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Internet Explorer 9 expected on March 14th, definitely released by Marc...

2011.03.01 20:23

바람은찰나일뿐 조회:5842

출처 : https://tinyurl.com/4uqc6jj


Internet Explorer 9 expected on March 14th, definitely released by March 24th

The IE9 Release Candidate came out on February 10th, so you might think it's about time it stepped its game up to a final release and Microsoft seems to be of the same mind. Download Squad reports insider sources have pinpointed the South by Southwest gathering in Austin, Texas, this month as the launch platform for the non-beta, non-RC Internet Explorer 9, with a direct download becoming available around 9PM ET on March 14th. That's highly specific, though still unconfirmed, information. For some more official word on the matter, we have to go to the Indian branch of the Microsoft Developer Network, which has tweeted out the announcement that IE9 will launch on March 24th at Tech.Ed India 2011. We imagine that's a launch party specific to India itself, however it does provide an official date for the latest time we can expect Microsoft to take the training wheels off its newest, shiniest browser.
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