최신 정보

레노버 툴박스 윈7 64빗.

2009.11.02 15:53

김윈포 조회:5460

lenovo.PNG Lenovo ThinkVantage Toolbox for Windows 7 (64-bit) - Desktops / Notebooks / WorkStation



32빗도 아래에 링크 있습니다.


This package installs the full version of Lenovo ThinkVantage Toolbox on systems that run on Windows 7 (64-bit ) operating system. This release combines overall system health, system security, promotion of other ThinkVantage tools and offers, automatic notification when action is required, computing assistance and advanced diagnostics and diagnostic history.

The application will be invoked when the Lenovo ThinkVantage button (blue button) is pressed and will have an icon in the system tray.

This package requires approximately 150MB of space on your hard drive once installed. During the installation process, up to 300 MB is required.


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