최신 정보

LAME 64비트가 32비트보다 25% 빨라~

2009.08.12 16:57

Native 64 조회:3323

유명한 MP3 엔코더인 LAME이 이제 x86버젼과 x64파일을 제공하는군요.


LAME Binaries


I am now building both 32- and 64-bit versions of lame. Testing on my machine indicates that the 64-bit version is 25% faster than the 32-bit version. Even though there is no assembly used in the 64-bit build, it is still much faster. Enjoy.

I am not the person to report problems with the Lame MP3 encoder to. The correct place would be to look at the Lame page, and report bugs to the appropriate place. For questions or support I would highly reccomend the Hydrogenaudio Web site.

For the time being, the Lame MP3 encoder is built and uploaded on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 06:00 US Pacific Time (GMT -0800). The process is entirely automated via Perl scripts and batch files ? there is no human involvement in the build and upload process whatsoever.

For those that are interested, I have listed here the exact command line used to build these copies of the Lame MP3 encoder:

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