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이제 윈2008r2rtm 이 msdn,technet에 올날이 다가오네요

2009.08.12 10:37

에프엑스남자의모든것 조회:1349

이제 윈2008r2rtm[창두즈믄여덟르둘르틈] 3일만 있으면 msdn,테크넷에 온다네여 ㄷㄷ;;


여기서 발췌한 내용이빈다

For Partners & OEMs:

ISV (Independent software vendor) and IHV (Independent hardware vendor) partners will be able to download Windows Server 2008 R2 RTM from MSDN starting on August 14th.[이건3일만더]  MSDN will post in English, French, German, Japanese, Italian, and Spanish on August 14thand will roll out the remaining languages starting August 21st.[10일만더]

Microsoft Partner Program Gold/Certified Members will be able to download Windows Server 2008 R2 RTM through the Microsoft Partner Program (MPP) Portal on August 19th.

Microsoft Action Pack Subscribers will be able to download Windows Server 2008 R2 RTM starting August 23rd.

OEMs will receive Windows Server 2008 R2 RTM in English and all Language Packs on July 29th.  The remaining languages will be available around August 11th.

For Volume Licensing Customers:

If you are a Volume License (VL) customer with an existing Software Assurance (SA) license, you will be able to download Windows Server 2008 R2 RTM on August 19th via the Volume License Service Center (VLSC).

Volume License customers without a SA license will be able to purchase Windows Server 2008 R2 through Volume Licensing on September 1st.

IT Professionals:

IT Professionals with TechNet Subscriptions will be able to download Windows Server 2008 R2 RTM in English, French, German, Japanese, Italian, and Spanish on August 14th and all remaining languages beginning August 21st.


Developers with MSDN Subscriptions will be able to download Windows Server 2008 R2 RTM in English, French, German, Japanese, Italian, and Spanish on August 14th and all remaining languages starting August 21st.

For Technical Enthusiasts:

Additionally, Windows Server 2008 R2 will be available in the retail channel on September 14th.


Crissy House

Product Manager - Windows Server Marketing

미쿡시간으로 8월 14일날 msdn에 뜬다네요 ㄷㄷ;;[언어는 일본어,영어,에스파냐어,프랑스어,이탈리아어,도이칠란트어임]

나머지언어는 8월 21일날 뜬다네여 ㄷㄷ;;

번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 등록일
[공지] 최신정보 이용 안내 gooddew - -
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