자유 게시판
오피스 2010 유출?
2010.01.10 21:19
출처 : https://forum.djawir.com/pc-software-108/microsoft-office-2010-blue-edition-fully-activated-44281/
Microsoft intends to release Microsoft Office 2010 Technical Preview to invited guests who register to sign up for Office 2010 CTP Program only by July 2009. Office 2010 was previously known by codename Office 14 (taken cue from its version), and wrongly assume to be Office 2009. The setup installer of both 32bit (x86) and 64bit (x64) Office 2010 Technical Preview 1 (TP 1) has been leaked to BT network. The leaked Office 2010 Technical Preview 1 has the version of 14.0.4006.1010, a pre-trial version provided to premium Microsoft partners.
It’s unclear whether it is the leaked Office 2010 TP1 build will be the version that is going to be released officially by Microsoft in July. And it’s still unclear yet whether Microsoft will make available publicly for Office 2010 Beta downloads, which is said to be will be having 2 betas - Beta 1 in July 2009 and another Beta 2 in November 2009.
The betas is said to be different from Technical Preview, where TP is just meant as an engineering milestone for the development of Office 2010 and related products that leading to RTM that will reach in July 2009, according to Office 2010 IT Blog. Office 2010 is expected to RTM and released as final product in March 2010, with the exception of Exchange Server 2010, where Exchange Server 2010 beta already available from official download links.
The setup installer of the leaked download will install Microsoft Office Plus 2010 edition, with Access 2010, Excel 2010, InfoPath 2010, OneNote 2010, Outlook 2010, PowerPoint 2010, Publisher 2010, and Word 2010. Project Professional 2010, SharePoint Designer 2010 and Visio Professional 2010 are also included in the leaked RAR archive download. Office 2010 supports Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.
Important note is that Office2010 TP 1 is still in early stage of development, and may contain bugs, although most individual programs such as Word 2010 and Excel 2010 are usable in everyday life. It’s also interesting to know that Office 2007, the predecessor of Office 2010, is version 12. Office 2010 will be version 14, skipping version 13, the number that Microsoft assumes may be not so lucky.
대충 이야기 하면
원래는 2009년에 하던 CTP프로그램에 선발된 사람들에게만 실험할 목적으로 만들어진 버전인데 유출되었다고 하는군요.
일명 technical preview 버전이라고 불리는군요.
정확히 이야기 하면 베타판 유출입니다.
꽤 오래전에 뜬 기사로 지금 이 글을 올리는데에는 딱히 이유가 있는것은 아닙니다.
이 글의 목적 추론은 스스로의 몫입니다.
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다들 잘 알고 계시겠지만 작년에 테크니컬 프리뷰 버전이 WZT에서 제일먼저 유출되어서 이곳에 당일날 소개되었던 것으로 기억합니다. 이후 베타판이 일반인들에게 공개되었고, 오늘 WZT홈페이지에 들어가보니 베타2판이 나와있더군요(빌드 넘버는 14.0.4730.1007입니다) 영문판이어서 다운받지는 않았지만 적어도 오피스 이름이 2010이고, 정식판이 나오기까지 멀지 않은 것 같습니다. 64비트에서 성능체감을 할수 있다고 하니 기다려 봅니다.