자 료 실
유틸리티 WinReducer Wim Converter - v1.05 (20141103)
2014.11.16 22:34
(황색테두리의 위 2스샷은 구버전UI 입니다.)
==> WinReducer Wim Converter is ONLY compatible with Windows 10 and 8.1 (with Update 1) installed systems and ISO !
This is a simple tool to help easily convert your ESD or WIM in different format :
- ESD -> WIM : for better compatibility with WinReducer 8.1
- WIM -> ESD : for smaller Windows Installation files to save space in your ISO
- "All in One" ISO support with up to 50 different Editions
- ISO Creation available
- GUI could be entirely translated and have balloon help tool tips
오늘자 자료에서 Utx64만 추출 wim을 esd로 재압축한 결과입니다.