질문과 답변

윈 도 우 Windows 8.1 Ultimate PE 4.2.1 부팅 오류

2014.03.03 22:15

왕마담 조회:4730

안녕하세요 눈팅만 하다가 오랜만에 글을 올리내요..

Windows 8.1 Ultimate PE 4.2.1 을 가상 드라이브에 마운트 후 usb로 완벽하게카피 한상태에서 usb로 부팅시에 프로그램들이 하나도 뜨지 않습니다.오류 멘트만 나오내요

참고로 제 시스템은 cpu i7 ram16gb 그래픽 760m 이며 ssd - C,D 파티션 HDD E 파티션 ODD는 없습니다

.부팅시 뜨는 두가지 버젼 모두 사용했습니다 EX버젼에서 무선랜은 잡힙니다.

오류 내용은 밑에 남깁니다.

도와 주세요. 사용기에 있는 분들처럼 쓰고 싶습니다..


CdUSB.Y or ISO NOT found !
WIN8.1SE can not mount and access files of your CD/DVD, USB, ISO on drive Y:

Possible Reason and Solutions :
1) You are not using .iso boot (You are using RealCD/DVD, BCD BOOTMGR, grub4dos BOOTMGR, etc.).
---> Check that the flag file CdUsb.Y is at the root of your media.
---> Your drive remained to the state "Not Ready" (More than 30 seconds) for a hardware reason.
---> Your drive is not recognised (driver missing or whatever, check if you can see your CD or Usb drive letter on explorer).

2) You are using .iso boot (grub4dos, isolinux, etc.) but you changed the build .iso name or path of your iso (ex: Win8PE_x86.iso, \Images\Win8PE_x64.ISO).

* If you use all from ram (all inside .wim) ignore this warning ;).
+ If you need files in your .iso to access, read following.

A) This feature requires imdisk, else will not work.
---> Be sure you have imdisk on your WIN8.1SE (Enable at WIN8.1SE\Tweaks).

B) Change your .iso name to the build .iso name (ex: Win8PE_x86.iso ) and put it to the correct path of your bootdrive.
---> Look for the default build configuration in the internal ini file (X:\Windows\System32\MountPEmedia.ini section IsoInfo/IsoName).
---> Rebuild by giving your personal Iso file name\Subfolder in the script Finals\Create ISO.

C) Use WIN8.1SE.ini to specify your personal .iso file name and location (solution for without rebuilding your project with your custom .isoname/subfolder settings).

2b) You are using .iso boot (grub4dos, isolinux, etc.) but .iso file to mount not accessible.
(= you can not see your WIN8.1SE iso file with explorer).
---> Driver missing -> add driver for your disk.
---> Some windows settings or software which disables mounting drives at boot -> disable such setting/software.

MountPEmedia.exe : Mount files of your CD/DVD, USB, ISO on drive Y:

Ini File (MountPEmedia.ini) :
  DesktopWarningLabel=WIN8.1SE Warning


Program Imdisk found in : X:\Windows\system32

=====>   Passage : 1
Drive C: - READY - Windows 8.1
Drive D: - READY -
Drive E: - READY - 시스템 예약
Drive F: - READY -

=====>   Passage : 2
Drive C: - READY - Windows 8.1
Drive D: - READY -
Drive E: - READY - 시스템 예약
Drive F: - READY -

All drives are ready but without finding CdUSB.Y or the ISO file in the allotted time of 30 seconds ! Exit.



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