ISO파일 -> VHD파일 변환?
2009.11.10 17:54
혹시 가능하나요?
관련 유틸이 있거나 아님 정보가 있으시면 가르쳐주십시오^^*
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댓글 [4]
고담시민 2009.11.10 18:02
우금티 2009.11.10 18:08 Disk to VHD 변환은 가능합니다.. ISO to VHD는 들어보지 못했습니다.
현재까지의 유틸리티들로는 불가능할 것 같습니다.
다만 ISO 파일을 디스크처럼 마운트한 다음에 VHD를 만들어보는 테스트는 해 볼 필요가 있겠습니다만 안될 것 같기는 합니다.
본탱 2009.11.10 20:07 MarkLass
Feb 10 at 10:24 PM
What would it take to convert an ISO image to VHD?MarkLass wrote:
What would it take to convert an ISO image to VHD?I assume that you're talking about an ISO of a Windows 7/R2 installation DVD?
It shouldn't be that difficult, if you don't have a problem taking a dependency on third-party tools.
Since there's no native way to mount (or extract content from) an ISO in Windows, you'd need to find some sort of tool that would let you do it in a scriptable fashion. If you can find a tool that does that, it shouldn't be hard to add.
Feb 18 at 1:39 AM
I was more thinking of any .ISO image, like what I download from MSDN. It would be nice to mount the ISO in the Disk Manager. As opposed to having to install a third party tool to install Microsoft software that is distributed in ISO or IMG format. With Windows 7 support of VHD, I was looking for a way to avoid the extra install and service running on my system.
Unfortunately, there is no such feature. I'm with you, though. It would be a tremendous help if Windows could mount ISOs. I'm sure one has already been filed, but if you happen to have an account on Microsoft Connect, you should file/vote up feedback about adding ISO support to a future release.
어떤 포럼에서 찾은 답변인데 MS에서 ISO 파일을 하드디스크로 마운트할 수 있도록 운영체제에서 지원한다면 가능할 것이라는 답변입니다. 참고가 되시기 바랍니다. -
G_Se7eN(황승연) 2009.11.10 23:01
고맙습니다^^* 참고하겠습니다~
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