질문과 답변

윈 도 우 윈도우 8 7989 KMS 인증

2011.07.02 21:09

publicstaticvoidMain() 조회:21811

아... 오늘 하드가 뻑나서 새로 하드를 사와 장착하고 일 저지르는 마음으로 윈도우 8 7989를 깔았는데요

오피스랑 윈도우가인증이 안되요ㅠㅠ


Microsoft (R) Windows Software Licensing.
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

KMService will be installed on your computer. Continue? [y/n]: Y

##                                                                     ##
##               Install KMService                              ##
##                                                                      ##

Copyng files...
        status: OK

Installing service...
        status: OK

Updating registry settings...
        status: OK

Running service...
        status: OK

Press any key to exit...


Microsoft (R) Windows Software Licensing.
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Remove KMS host name (sets port to default).
        status: OK

Old KMS Server data deleted from the registry.
        status: OK

Key Management Service machine name set to Localhost successfully.
        status: OK

Activation Office 2010 products...

Activation attempt 1...

Activation attempt 2...

Activation attempt 3...

Activation attempt 4...

Office 2010 activation failed this time. Shall it continue to try? [y/n]: Y

Activation attempt 5...

Activation attempt 6...

Activation attempt 7...

Activation attempt 8...

Error! After plenty of attempts Office 2010 activation failed.
Please try more later.

Errors detected:

Installed product key detected - attempting to activate the following product:
SKU ID: 6f327760-8c5c-417c-9b61-836a98287e0c
LICENSE NAME: Office 14, OfficeProPlus-KMS_Client edition
Last 5 characters of installed product key: H3GVB
ERROR CODE: 0x8007000D
ERROR DESCRIPTION: Run the following: cscript ospp.vbs /ddescr:0x8007000D


In case of error 0x8007000D make following steps:

Repeat activation attempts. The number of activation attempts
is actually endless, so 2 times with 4 attempts is not The End.

In case the error is still there:

1. Turn off firewall and antivirus.
2. Make trial reset (rearm).
        Note: Office 2010 allows 4 rearms without reinstalling only.
3. Also try to reinstall KMS-Client key of Office 2010.

Try to activate again.

Press any key to exit...



아무리 해도 안돼요

왜 그런걸까여?



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