하드웨어 바이오스 개조하다가 망했습니다.
2011.04.28 19:01
좀 오래된 삼성 노트북이 하나 있거든요.
윈도우XP 깔려 있었는데 윈도우7으로 설치했습니다.
그리고 OEM 인증 하려고 피닉스툴1.8.4를 이용해서 바이오스 개조를 하고 업데이트를 해줬습니다.
그런데 이상하게 RSDT 값이 바뀌질 않아서 인증이 되질 않았습니다.
그래서 바이오스 포럼에 요청을 해봤는데 똑같더군요.
바이오스 포럼에서 안되면 다시 한번 올리라고 했는데..
제 호기심 때문에 구글에서 배운 후 직접 수정하다가 먹통이 되었네요..
그놈의 호기심이 문제네요.
제가 한 작업은 다음과 같습니다.
인증이 안되는 이유는 RSDT 값이 바뀌질 않아서 입니다.
그래서 기존 RSDT 이외에 새로 하나 추가하기로 하고....
ROM.SCR -> 위 두 값 추가
이렇게만 바꾸고 바이오스 업데이트 한 후 재부팅 하니...
바이오스 화면 뜨고 그 다음 화면에 아무것도 안뜨고 멈춰져 있네요..
SLIC만 추가 했을때는 잘 됐는데 RSDT를 하나 더 추가하니까 그러네요.
기존 RSDT 에 또 RSDT 를 추가해서 겹쳐서 그런건가요?
그리고 바이오스 때문에 삼성에서 A/S 받으면 비용은 얼마나 드나요?
그리고 이유를 말할때 바이오스 업하다가 그랬다고 말해야 되나요?
댓글 [7]
Lollipop 2011.04.28 19:21 -
그리움 2011.04.28 19:29 보증기간 지난지는 꽤 되었습니다.
A/S 맡기면 롬 바이오스만 라이팅 해주는게 아니라 아예 보드를 교체해야 하는 건가요?
삼성에서도 그런가요?
그리고 엄청난 가격은 얼마였나요?
슬픔의언덕 2011.04.28 19:31
Phoenix BIOS Recovery
Update: Boot-Block Jumper
This is the latest PHLASH16 I could find:
Tool provided by @offon7544
Here is the Archive with all the files needed and How to for Phoenix BIOS Recovery.
Method 1.
How To:
1. Use HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool with MiniDOS files to make your Bootable: Flopy, USB Flopy, USB Flash Drive (Flash Drive works in rear cases).
When creating the boot Floppy, select from Folder Options to view the hiden and system files and delete or rename the file config.sys if present.
Couse we need DOS with no additional programs that are loaded, which could interfere with the operation of the BIOS flash application.
2. Copy all the files from Rescue to your: Flopy, USB Stick, USB Flopy.
3. Rename your BIOS file to bios.wph and copy it to your: Flopy, USB Stick, USB Flopy.
4. Remove the battery, unplug the computer from the power.
5. Hold down: Fn+B or WinKey+B (On some new Acer Laptop's Fn+Esc and on some new Fujitsu Siemens Laptop's Fn+F)and while holding plug the computer in to power (do not plug the battery) and pres the power button.
6. Now you should hear the flopy drive working, hold the keys for a while and then let go.
7. Leve the computer for at least 10 min. and if the computer does not restart it self turn the power down.
8. Plug the battery and the power sorce and if everything went OK the computer shold start normaly.
Note: This procedure is for Phoenix BIOS`es only and in some cases the USB Stick might not work.
Method 2.
How To:
1. Click on the Phoenix_Crisis_Recovery.exe to make: Flopy, USB Flopy.
When creating the boot Floppy, select from Folder Options to view the hiden and system files and delete or rename the file config.sys if present.
Couse we need DOS with no additional programs that are loaded, which could interfere with the operation of the BIOS flash application.
2. Copy all the files from Rescue to your: Flopy, USB Flopy.
3. Rename your BIOS file to bios.wph and copy it to your: Flopy, USB Flopy.
4. Remove the battery, unplug the computer from the power.
5. Hold down: Fn+B or WinKey+B (On some new Acer Laptop's Fn+Esc and on some new Fujitsu Siemens Laptop's Fn+F) and while holding plug the computer in to power (do not plug the battery) and pres the power button.
6. Now you should hear the flopy drive working, hold the keys for a while and then let go.
7. Leve the computer for at least 10 min. and if the computer does not restart it self turn the power down.
8. Plug the battery and the power sorce and if everything went OK the computer shold start normaly.
Note: This procedure is for Phoenix BIOS`es only and in some cases the USB Stick might not work.
Method 3.
How To:
1. Use HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool with MiniDOS files to make your Bootable: Flopy, USB Flopy, USB Flash Drive (Flash Drive works in rear cases).
When creating the boot Floppy, select from Folder Options to view the hiden and system files and delete or rename the file config.sys if present.
Couse we need DOS with no additional programs that are loaded, which could interfere with the operation of the BIOS flash application.
2. Copy all the files from Rescue to your: Flopy, USB Stick, USB Flopy.
3. Rename your BIOS file to bios.wph and copy it to your: Flopy, USB Stick, USB Flopy.
4. Remove the battery, unplug the computer from the power.
5. Hold down: Fn+B or WinKey+B (On some new Acer Laptop's Fn+Esc and on some new Fujitsu Siemens Laptop's Fn+F) and while holding plug the computer in to power (do not plug the battery) and pres the power button.
6. Now you should hear the flopy drive working, hold the keys for a while and then let go.
7. Leve the computer for at least 10 min. and if the computer does not restart it self turn the power down.
8. Plug the battery and the power sorce and if everything went OK the computer shold start normaly.
Note: This procedure is for Phoenix BIOS`es only and in some cases the USB Stick might not work.
Method 4.
How To:
1. Click on the Phoenix_Crisis_Recovery.exe to make: Flopy, USB Flopy.
When creating the boot Floppy, select from Folder Options to view the hiden and system files and delete or rename the file config.sys if present.
Couse we need DOS with no additional programs that are loaded, which could interfere with the operation of the BIOS flash application.
2. Copy all the files from Rescue to your: Flopy, USB Flopy.
3. Rename your BIOS file to bios.wph and copy it to your: Flopy, USB Flopy.
4. Remove the battery, unplug the computer from the power.
5. Hold down: Fn+B or WinKey+B (On some new Acer Laptop's Fn+Esc and on some new Fujitsu Siemens Laptop's Fn+F) and while holding plug the computer in to power (do not plug the battery) and pres the power button.
6. Now you should hear the flopy drive working, hold the keys for a while and then let go.
7. Leve the computer for at least 10 min. and if the computer does not restart it self turn the power down.
8. Plug the battery and the power sorce and if everything went OK the computer shold start normaly.
Note: This procedure is for Phoenix BIOS`es only and in some cases the USB Stick might not work.
The HP Tool is located in the archive of the first metod.
Use the metods in order form 1 to 4, unless you think otherwise...
Hope you never use this and if you ever have to GOOD LUCK.
Insyde Recovery
AMI BIOS Recovery
AMI has an embedded recovery technique in the 'boot block' of the BIOS. In the event that the BIOS becomes corrupt the boot block can be used to restore the BIOS to a working state. The routine is called when the 'system block' of the BIOS is empty or corrupt. The restore routine when called will access the floppy drive (1.44Mb floppy disk drive) looking for a file named AMIBOOT.ROM.
This is the reason the floppy drive light comes on and the drive appears to be in use. If the file (AMIBOOT.ROM) is found it is loaded into the 'system block' of the BIOS to replace the corrupted information.
To restore your BIOS copy the most recent version of your motherboards BIOS file to a floppy diskette and rename it AMIBOOT.ROM. The diskette does not need to be bootable or contain a flash utility. It will access the floppy from 2-5 minutes the system will beep four times. Remove the floppy diskette from the drive and reboot the computer. if when you turn on the system it does not try to access the floppy, press and hold the 'CTRL' and 'HOME' keys at the same time. This will force the system (assuming the 'boot block' isn't corrupted) to access the flopy and look for the AMIBOOT.ROM file.
Step by Step:
Method 1.
1. Rename the desired AMI BIOS file to AMIBOOT.ROM and save it on a blank floppy disk. e.g. Rename 12345678.ROM to AMIBOOT.ROM
2. Insert this floppy disk in the floppy drive. Turn On the system
3. If no floppy access occurs press and hold Ctrl-Home to force update. Follow insructions on the screen and it will read the AMIBOOT.ROM file and recover the BIOS from the A drive.
4. When 4 beeps are heard you may remove the floppy disk.
5. When there is no more activity, wait for a while and restart the computer.
If this does not work, try this:
Method 2. Asus only...
1. Create bootable flopy using the HP Tool and MiniDOS:
When creating the boot Floppy, select from Folder Options to view the hiden and system files and delete or rename the file config.sys if present.
Couse we need DOS with no additional programs that are loaded, which could interfere with the operation of the BIOS flash application.
2. Create new text document and type the folowing:
Afudos.exe /iamiboot.rom /pbnc /n
Autoexec.bat download link:
save it as autoexec.bat and copy it to the boot flopy you have created.
3. Rename your BIOS to amiboot.rom and copy it to the bootable flopy.
4. If no floppy access occurs press and hold Ctrl+Home to force update.
5. When there is no more activity, wait for a while and restart the computer.
Latest Afudos that I could find:
Tool provided by @offon7544
Method 3.
1. Create bootable flopy using the HP Tool and MiniDOS:
When creating the boot Floppy, select from Folder Options to view the hiden and system files and delete or rename the file config.sys if present.
Couse we need DOS with no additional programs that are loaded, which could interfere with the operation of the BIOS flash application.
2. Create new text document and type the folowing:
amif895.exe /iamiboot.rom /pbnc /n
save it as autoexec.bat and copy it to the boot flopy you have created.
Atoexec.bat download link:
3. Rename your BIOS to amiboot.rom and copy it to the bootable flopy.
4. Start you computer.
5. If no floppy access occurs press and hold Ctrl+Home to force update.
6. When there is no more activity, wait for a while and restart the computer.
Latest amiflash I could find amiflash 8.95:
Tool provided by @amiga
The AWARD BIOS has a similar procedure to AMI. To recover an AWARD BIOS you will need to create a bootable floppy diskette and add the desired BIOS file (we recommend using the most recent). Award BIOS's generally are in .BIN format, where as AMI was .ROM format. You will also add an AWARD flash utility (usually awdflash.exe) and an AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
The AWARD BIOS does not automatically restore the BIOS information to the 'system block' like the AMI BIOS does. You will need to add the commands necessary to flash the BIOS in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. The system will run the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, which contains the flash instructions.
Step by Step:
1. Create bootable flopy using the HP Tool and MiniDOS:
When creating the boot Floppy, select from Folder Options to view the hiden and system files and delete or rename the file config.sys if present.
Couse we need DOS with no additional programs that are loaded, which could interfere with the operation of the BIOS flash application.
2. Reaname your bios to bios.bin
3. Copy the BIOS file and flash utility to the diskette.
4. Create an text file with any standard text editor and add the following lines :
awdflash893.exe bios.bin /py/sn/f/cc/r
and save it as autoexec.bat
Autoexec.bat download link:
5. Copy it to the bootable flopy.
6. Start your computer and if no flopy acces occurs press and hold Ctrl+Home to force update.
7. When there is no more activity, wait for a while and restart your computer.
py = program yes
sn = save no
f = flash
cc = clear cmos
r = reboot
Here is the latest awdflash I could find awdflash v8.93
Tool provided by @offon7544
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Here is one of the expirience of one of the mydigitallife forum memebers:
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As Dutchman01 stated, for all of us that own a board with SPI chips and have a SPI-header (7pins INTERFACE) there is a posible way of recovering after a bad flash and none of the recovery procedures have worked.
Although it's for a electronic enthusiasts here is the link to the thread and the info:
https://richard-burke.dyndns.org/wordpress/tag/spipgm/ -
그리움 2011.04.28 19:33 감사합니다. 그런데 피닉스 바이오스는 없나요?
슬픔의언덕 2011.04.28 19:39
그리움 2011.04.28 19:51 감사합니다. 한번 시도해 보겠습니다.
그리움 2011.04.28 22:20 아무리 해봐도 안되네요.
USB 플로피 디스크까지 이용했는데.... 검은 화면에서 진행이 안되네요..
도움 주셔서 감사합니다.
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저와 비슷한 상황이네요. 바이오스요청해서 업하다가 hp노트북 사망했습니다. a/s에 물어보니(보증기간 만료) 엄청난 가격에 보드를 교체해야 한다기에 그냥 숨... 크게 한 번 쉬고 버렸습니다. 아직까지 맘이 아픕니다...
회사마다 다르겠지만 바이오스 업하다가 사망한 경우... 보증기간내에는 교환을 해주지 않을까 생각하네요.