윈 도 우 msi넷북 부팅이 안되는 현상이요..조언부탁드립니다.
2011.04.18 21:50
Windows Boot manager
Windows has encountered a problem communicating with a device connected to your computer
This error can be caused by unplugging a removable storage device such as an external USB drive while the device is in use, or by faulty hardware such as a hard drive or CD-ROM drive that is failing.
make sure any removable storage is properly connected and then restart your computer.
If you continue to receive this error message, contact the hardware manufacturer.
file : /Boot/BCD
status : 0xc00000e9
Info : An unexpected I/O error has occurred
이렇게 메세지가 뜨구요..부팅이 안되는 현상입니다.
해결방법과 원인을 알수있을까요?
msi u200 모델이구요
댓글 [3]
걸리버 2011.04.18 23:54 -
걸리버 2011.04.19 00:01 상기 에러코드에 대한 MS의 답변입니다.
만약에 저라면, OS 새로 깝니다.
인생무상 2011.04.19 08:14 최선의 방법은 깨끗히 포맷하고 재설치해서
따뜻한 봄날 새옷 입듯이 좋은 느낌 가져 보세요~~~
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First boot the system in safe mode and check if you get the error.
Steps to boot to Safe mode
1. Restart your computer if it is powered on.
2. Tap the F8 key after your computer initially powers on.
3. Once you see the Advanced Boot Options menu you can stop tapping.
4. Use the up/down arrow keys to highlight your selection.
5. Select Safe Mode and press Enter.
6. You should see drivers loading, and then Please wait.
7. You should then be at the Welcome Screen.
8. Logon to your computer using an account with Administrator privileges.
Start your computer in safe mode
You may also do a system restore to restore the computer to an earlier point in time.
To restore system files and settings using a recommended restore point:
1. Open System Restore by clicking the Start button. In the search box, type System Restore, and then, in the list of results, click System Restore.
If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
2. Click Recommended restore, and then click Next.
If there isn't a recommended restore point, follow the steps below to choose a specific restore point.
3. Review the restore point, and then click Finish.
To restore system files and settings using a specific restore point
1. Open System Restore by clicking the Start button. In the search box, type System Restore, and then, in the list of results, click System Restore.
If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
2. Do one of the following:
? If there is a recommended restore point, click Choose a different restore point, and then click Next.
? If there isn't a recommended restore point, click Next.
3. Click the restore point that you want, and then click Next.
To view the programs and drivers that will be affected (which could include programs that will be deleted), click Scan for affected programs.
4. Review the restore point, and then click Finish.