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소프트웨어 Emeditor 정규표현식 ., ;, :, ? 등을 넘지 않는 치환 질문입니다.

2024.04.09 10:45

파풍초 조회:196

Emeditor 정규표현식 ".", ";", ":" "?" 를 넘지 않는 치환 질문입니다.


최대한의 일치나 최소한의 일치에서 문장의 마침표 ".", ":",  ";", "?", "!" 등을 넘어서지 않는 것입니다. 아래의 찾기 바꾸기를 해도 ".", ":",  ";", "?", "!" 등을 넘어서 치환이 됩니다. 이것을 넘지 않고 치환이 되는 정규표현식을 부탁드립니다.





최대한의 일치: —(.+)?—



최소한의 일치: —(.+?)—




In developing the theory of Gestalt therapy, Friedrich Perls— like the Gestalt therapists—used the definition of ego as a basic element. Perls, however, viewed the ego in a different way than did the Perises and their students: while the Gestaltists considered the ego as an indivisible and continually emerging process, Berne described it as consisting of various clusters or states, each with complete and coherent patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

--->In developing the theory of Gestalt therapy, Friedrich Perls {like the Gestalt therapists} used the definition of ego as a basic element. Perls, however, viewed the ego in a different way than did the Perises and their students: while the Gestaltists considered the ego as an indivisible and continually emerging process, Berne described it as consisting of various clusters or states, each with complete and coherent patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.



In developing the theory of Gestalt therapy, Friedrich Perls— like the Gestalt therapists used the definition of ego as a basic element. Perls, however, viewed the ego in a different way than  did the Perises and their students: while the Gestaltists considered —the ego as an indivisible and continually emerging process, Berne described it as consisting of various clusters or states, each with complete and coherent patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.


In developing the theory of Gestalt therapy, Friedrich Perls— like the Gestalt therapists used the definition of ego as a basic element. Perls, however, viewed —the ego in a different way than did the Perises and their students: while the Gestaltists considered the ego as an indivisible and continually emerging process, Berne described it as consisting of various clusters or states, each with complete and coherent patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.


In developing the theory of Gestalt therapy, Friedrich Perls— like the Gestalt therapists used the definition of ego as a basic element? Perls, however, viewed —the ego in a different way than did the Perises and their students: while the Gestaltists considered the ego as an indivisible and continually emerging process, Berne described it as consisting of various clusters or states, each with complete and coherent patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.


In developing the theory of Gestalt therapy, Friedrich Perls— like the Gestalt therapists used the definition of ego as a basic element: Perls, however, viewed —the ego in a different way than did the Perises and their students: while the Gestaltists considered the ego as an indivisible and continually emerging process, Berne described it as consisting of various clusters or states, each with complete and coherent patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.


In developing the theory of Gestalt therapy, Friedrich Perls— like the Gestalt therapists used the definition of ego as a basic element! Perls, however, viewed —the ego in a different way than did the Perises and their students: while the Gestaltists considered the ego as an indivisible and continually emerging process, Berne described it as consisting of various clusters or states, each with complete and coherent patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.


In developing the theory of Gestalt therapy, Friedrich Perls— like the Gestalt therapists used the definition of ego as a basic element; Perls, however, viewed —the ego in a different way than did the Perises and their students: while the Gestaltists considered the ego as an indivisible and continually emerging process, Berne described it as consisting of various clusters or states, each with complete and coherent patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

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