질문과 답변
Vista와 Win7의 폰트 가독성
2009.08.19 23:17
Vista와 Win7 쓰시는 분들 폰트에 대한 가독성이 어떠신지요?
얼마전 Win7의 Font Rendering 방법이 비스타와 조금 틀리다는 이야기를 읽은 지라 실제는 어떠할까 궁금합니다.
'흐린고딕'부터 'Segoe UI'까지 좀 나아지거나 달라진 점이 있는지요?
댓글 [3]
굉 2009.08.20 02:56 -
굉 2009.08.20 03:01 -
굉 2009.08.20 03:04 누군가 맑은고딕도 비교해주셨으면 좋겠습니다
번호 | 제목 | 글쓴이 | 조회 | 등록일 |
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구글 검새 결과입니다
One of the graphics improvements we made in Windows 7, therefore, is to move from the physical pixel model of the past, and instead creating a new design around what we call the “device independent pixel” unit (or “DIP”), a “virtual pixel” that is one-ninety-sixth an inch in floating-point data type,” Chaoweeraprasit added. “In this model, a glyph (or any other geometric primitive for that matter) can size to fractional pixels, and be positioned anywhere in between the two pixels. The new ClearType improvement allows sizing and placement of glyph to the screen’s sub-pixel nearest to its ideal condition, creating a more natural looking word shape and making text on screen look a lot closer to print quality.”