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윈 도 우 윈도 8.1 원본에 언어팩을 적용시키는 방법

2013.09.01 07:06

필로 조회:11342 추천:1

이미 설치된 윈도에 언어팩을 적용하는 게 아니고 iso 파일 자체에 언어팩을 통합하는 방법입니다.

1. Prerequisites

a) Download Windows 8.1 RTM ISO (RETAIL - x86 or x64 - ENGLISH).
b) Download Windows 8.1 RTM Language Pack ISO (x86 or x64).
c) Open an elevated (run as Admin) command-prompt.

2. Create directory structure

Create the following directories. I use "C:" as the default throughout this tutorial, you can change that as you wish, of course.


You can use the following command-lines to create the directories:

mkdir C:\Win81\Dist
mkdir C:\Win81\Iso
mkdir C:\Win81\Lp
mkdir C:\Win81\Mount\Boot
mkdir C:\Win81\Mount\Install

3. Extract ISO and Language Packs

Right-click on the Windows 8.1 ISO and select "Mount" to mount it in File Explorer and copy all its contents to the C:\Win81\Dist directory. You can use the following command-line:

xcopy X:\ C:\Win81\Dist /s /e

Where "X:" represents the drive letter of the mounted ISO. After copying is finished, you can unmount the ISO by right-clicking the drive and select "Eject".

After that, right-click on the Language Pack ISO and select "Mount" to mount it and copy all the language packs you want to the C:\Win81\Lp directory. You can use the following command-line:

xcopy X:\langpacks\de-de\lp.cab C:\Win81\Lp\de-de

Where "X:" represents the drive letter of the mounted ISO and "de-de" the language pack you want. If you, for example, wish to integrate the French one, replace "de-de" with "fr-fr" and so forth for all other language packs you need (have a look at the X:\langpacks directory in File Explorer to see which language packs are available).

4. Update the Windows Installation Image (install.wim)

Change the working directory as follows:

cd C:\Win81\Dist\sources

Run the following command to mount the installation image file:

dism /mount-image /imagefile:C:\Win81\Dist\sources\install.wim /Index:1 /mountdir:C:\Win81\Mount\Install

This will mount the Windows 8.1 Pro image. To integrate language packs into the Core version, change the index from 1 to 2. If you want to integrate language packs in both images, you have to work through this section twice.

After that, run the following command to integrate a language pack into the image:

dism /add-package /image:C:\Win81\Mount\Install /packagepath:C:\Win81\Lp\de-de\lp.cab

Where "de-de" represents the directory of the German language package. Change that to the language string of your choice. If you like to integrate multiple language packs, run the command above for each language pack you want.

After that, run the following command to configure the default language settings for the image. If you want to keep en-US, you can skip this step.

dism /image:C:\Win81\Mount\Install /set-allintl:de-de

Where "de-de" represent the language string. Change that to the one of your choice.

After that, run the following command to recreate the lang.ini file.

dism /image:C:\Win81\Mount\Install /gen-langini /distribution:C:\Win81\Dist

After that, run the following command to unmount the image and commit the changes you made:

dism /unmount-image /mountdir:C:\Win81\Mount\Install /commit

4. Update the Boot Image File (boot.wim)

In order to be able to choose between the languages when Windows setup welcomes you, you have to update the lang.ini file in the boot image file as well.

Run the following command to mount the boot image file:

dism /mount-image /imagefile:C:\Win81\Dist\sources\boot.wim /Index:2 /mountdir:C:\Win81\Mount\Boot

After that, run the following command to copy the lang.ini from the distribution sources to the mounted boot image:

xcopy C:\Win81\Dist\sources\lang.ini C:\Win81\Mount\Boot\sources\lang.ini

After that, run the following command to unmount the image and commit the changes you made:

dism /unmount-image /mountdir:C:\Win81\Mount\Boot /commit

5. That's it - for USB

Voilà - you just created a multi-language Windows 8.1 distribution!

If you're going to install Windows 8.1 from an USB drive, just make it bootable (there are many tutorials out there on how to do this) and copy the contents of the C:\Win81\Dist directory to it.

6. ISO recreation

If you're going to install Windows 8.1 from an ISO, you have to download and install the Windows 8.1 ADK (only available in Preview until Windows 8.1 is generally available) - you don't need the full package, select only the deployment tools during setup - and run the deployment tools command-prompt.

Run the following command to create a bootable ISO from the C:\Win81\Dist directory:

oscdimg -bC:\Win81\Dist\boot\etfsboot.com -lWIN81 -u2 C:\Win81\Dist C:\Win81\Iso\WIN81.ISO

7. Clean-up

After you finished and everything went well, you can clean up all the mess except for the ISO and maybe the C:\Win81\Dist directory, you might need it later to recreate USB etc.

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