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ms의 windows 7 에 대한 공고?

2009.03.17 09:32

피터팬 조회:1656

https://www.neowin.net/news/main/09/03/16/microsoft-expected-to-deliver-2-rcs-for-windows-7영어가 짧아서 번역 올리진 못하구용..
가장 최근에 빌드된 3월 11일의 7061 이야기.
4월 4째주에 테스트..
5월 마지막주 공개 ? (아마 RC일듯..)

뭐 그담은 오피스 14 버젼 이야기군요.
첫번째 베타는 7월초 테스트 예정..
두번째 베타는 11월초 발표 예정
마지막 RTM 릴리스는 2010년 3월초 예정..

그리고 마지막으로 Microsoft Exchange Server 2010
2009년 10월 초에 RTM 발표 예정..
대충 이렇내요..ㅋ

러시아 기술 웹사이트 Wzor 에서 참조 하였다는군요..^^;;
대충 맞나 모르겠내요..

==============아래 원문======================

Update: RC-escrow builds are not the same as RC builds released to public and thus updated the article's title and content to reflect the same.

Neowin earlier reported that Windows 7 RC is expected on April 10, 2009, but it looks like Microsoft has updated its schedule. Russian website Wzor has given some interesting tidbits about the revised 2010 TAP schedule of Microsoft. Wzor gives us the following dates related to Windows 7, Office 14 and Microsoft Exchange Server 2010.

Windows 7
The most recent build compiled is build 7061 on March 11, 2009
Internal RC-escrow builds of Windows 7 & Windows Server 2008 R2 will be delivered to select testers on the fourth week of April 2009
Release candidate for Windows 7 & for Windows Server 2008 R2 will be released to the public during the last week of May 2009

An Escrow Build is a build where development halts and developers & beta testers start testing the product for any show-stopper bugs. Microsoft always emphasizes this to testers to concentrate only on the regressions and confirmation of fixes when asking for feedback on escrow builds.

Office 14
First beta of Office 14 will be released in early July and will not be available for public testing
Second beta version of Office 14 will be released in early November
Final RTM release of Office 14 is scheduled in early March 2010

Microsoft Exchange Server 2010
The RTM release of Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 is planned for early October 2009

While these dates are expected to change, it is nice to see Windows 7 progress and I am up for anything that makes Windows 7 a stable OS.
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