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유틸리티 FrogControl 1.8 portable (단축키, 마우스 컨트롤 유틸리티)

2015.12.09 15:54

rt402 조회:1887 추천:6

FrogControl-kr.png FrogControl-en.png

FrogControl 1.8 portable 


단축키, 마우스 컨트롤 유틸리티입니다.


FrogControl is a tiny free tool for Windows computers which allows users to control a computer far much easier with many shortcuts and similar mouse controls. FrogControl may be simply considered as a set of shortcuts and mouse controls. One noticeable function of the many is the "alt drag" or "alt window drag" function in Linux. That is, with FrogControl, you can left-click drag a window by holding a CapsLock key even if you don't left-click drag a title bar of a window but instead left-click drag wherever within a window.

Besides, it can allow users to control volume with mouse wheel or keyboard, to move/resize a window with keyboard or mouse, to put a window always on top, to send a window to the bottom, to control transparency and so on.

I made it because I needed something like this. I used to use AltDrag and WindowSpace. However AltDrag sometimes lagged to me and caused problems on my computers. Moreover Alt key with arrow keys or mouse click combinations are originally used in some applications like Photoshop, Notepad++, EditPlus, Microsoft Excel, Rhinoceros 3D, etc. WindowSpace is not a freeware. So I decided to make something for this functionality for myself. Because I'm not a programmer, I learned AutoHotKey and made it with it. I was inspired not only by AltDrag and WindowSpace, but also by AutoHotKey forum, and some of How-To Geek's pages for functionality, shortcut combinations and coding.

Although FrogControl looks crude, it has more functions and so is versatile. It will make your computer work super efficient. AutoHotKey source code will be provided soon.

Download FrogControl 1.8 version (portable) 

The following are shortcuts and mouse controls. In the future, graphical guides will be provided.

Volume control

 Control + Shift + Wheel Up : Increase volume

 Control + Shift + Wheel Down : Decrease volume

 Control + Shift + Alt + Wheel Up : Increase volume slightly

 Control + Shift + Alt + Wheel Down : Decrease volume slightly

 Control + Shift + ] : Increase volume

 Control + Shift + [ : Decrease volume

 Control + Shift + Alt + ] : Increase volume slightly

 Control + Shift + Alt + [ : Decrease volume slightly

To move window by keyboard 

 CapsLock + Win + Arrow Keys : Move window by 20 pixels

 CapsLock + Win + Shift + Arrow Keys : Move window by 200 pixels

 CapsLock + Shift + Arrow Keys : Move window to the screen edge

 CapsLock + Arrow Keys : Resize window a quarter of the screen size and move by 2 * 2 grid

 CapsLock + Alt + Arrow Keys : Resize window a one-ninth of the screen size and move by 3 * 3 grid 

To resize window by keyboard

 Win + Alt + Arrow Keys : Resize window outward by 20 pixels

 Win + Alt + X + Arrow Keys : Resize window inward by 20 pixels

 Win + Alt + Shift + Arrow Keys : Resize window outward by 200 pixels

 Win + Alt + Shift + X + Arrow Keys : Resize window inward by 200 pixels

 Win + Alt + Shift + Ctrl + Arrow Keys : Resize window to the screen edge

To move or resize window by mouse

 CapsLock + Left mouse button : Move window (press Ctrl to focus window)

 CapsLock + Right mouse button : resize window (press Ctrl to focus window)

Transparency and Always on top 

 Win + A : Put window Always on top

 Win + Wheel Up : Decrease window transparency

 Win + Wheel Down : Increase window transparency

 Win + ] : Decrease window transparency

 Win + [ : Increase window transparency


 CapsLock + Win + W : Move the active window to the mouse cursor

 CapsLock + Win + S : Move the mouse cursor to the center of the active window

 Control + Shift + Right click : To close a tab

 Control + Shift + Alt + Right click : To close a window like Alt+F4

 Alt + Shift + Right click : To send a window to the bottom of stack like Alt+Esc

 Win + O : To enter the current date in YYYY-MM-DD (ex. 1985-05-30)

 Win + Ctrl + O : To enter the current date in YYMMDD (ex. 120426)


  • It works on Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10.
  • It works with multiple screens.
  • Stand-alone, i.e., no installation is required.
  • You can use FrogControl on any computer, including a computer in a commercial organization. You don't need to register or pay for FrogControl.

Should you have any inquiry or feedback or find any bug, please contact me on kdr at lnx.kr.


Kim Dongryeong



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