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유틸리티 UpdatePack7R2 v15.8.20 for Win7 SP1 & Server 2008 R2 SP1

2015.08.21 01:29

네박자 조회:7573 추천:2

Screen Shot 08-21-15 at 01.20 AM.PNG

C:\UpdatePack7R2.exe /WimFile=C:\install.wim /Index=*

C:\UpdatePack7R2.exe /ie11 /WimFile=C:\install.wim /Index=*

이자료는 예전에 한번 소개한 적이 있었는데 참 편리합니다.

아직은 7을 메인으로 사용하시는 분들이 많으시기에 요긴하지 않나 생각합니다.

좀더 자세한 정보는 아래 링크로.....

Changes in version 8.15.20

  • Added KB3046017-x86-x64, KB3075249-x86-x64, KB3076949-x86-x64, KB3080149-x86-x64, KB3087985-IE8-x86-x64, KB3087985-IE9-x86-x64, KB3087985-IE10-x86-x64, KB3087985 -IE11-x86-x64
  • Added KB2952664-v13-x86-x64 (replaces the KB2952664-v12-x86-x64, Windows only 7)
  • Added KB3060716-x86-x64 (replaces the KB3057154-x86-x64)
  • Added KB3071756-x86-x64 (replaces the KB3057154-x86-x64)
  • Added KB3072305-x86-x64 (replaces the KB3048070-x86-x64)
  • Added KB3075226-x86-x64 (replaces the KB3070738-x86-x64)
  • Added KB3075851-x86-x64 (replaces the KB3065987-v2-x86-x64)
  • Added KB3076895-x86-x64 (replaces the KB2939576-x86-x64 and KB3046482-x86-x64)
  • Added KB3077715-x86-x64 (replaces the KB3013410-x86-x64)
  • Added KB3078071-IE8-x86-x64 (replaces the KB3065822-IE8-x86-x64 and KB3074886-IE8-x86-x64)
  • Added KB3078071-IE9-x86-x64 (replaces the KB3065822-IE9-x86-x64 and KB3074886-IE9-x86-x64)
  • Added KB3078071-IE10-x86-x64 (replaces the KB3065822-IE10-x86-x64, KB3074886-IE10-x86-x64 and KB3075516-IE10-x86-x64)
  • Added KB3078071-IE11-x86-x64 (replaces the KB3065822-IE11-x86-x64, KB3074886-IE11-x86-x64 and KB3075516-IE11-x86-x64)
  • Added KB3078601-x86-x64 (replaces the KB2978092-x86-x64, KB3045171-x86-x64, KB3065979-x86-x64, KB3070102-x86-x64 and KB3079904-x86-x64)
  • Added KB3078667-x86-x64 (replaces the KB3048761-x86-x64)
  • Added KB3079757-x86-x64 (replaces the KB3039066-x86-x64)
  • The following update is not relevant and removed: KB971033-x86-x64, KB2846960-x86-x64
  • Disabled job tracking users (only when mounted on a working system)


The system must have at least 10 GB of free space on your hard drive and preferably not less than 1 GB of RAM. For flexible installation kit can use the following keys and combinations thereof:

  • Key /Reboot to automatically restart if it is required.
  • The key /S to completely silent installation with no windows and messages. Register matters.
  • Key /Silent passive installation - you can see the progress, but the installation is fully automatic.
  • Key /IE11 for installation of Internet Explorer 11 and its localization.
  • Key /Temp = lets you specify a temporary working directory. He is not required to be empty, but it must exist.
  • Key /NoSpace allows you to skip checking free space on the system partition is not recommended.


  • It should automatically install all the updates, IE11, and restart your computer: UpdatePack7R2.exe / ie11 / silent / reboot
  • It is necessary to install all hidden updates to existing products, version of IE is not changed, the computer does not restart: UpdatePack7R2.exe / S

The following keys are designed for integration in the distribution of updates:

  • Key /WimFile = indicates the location of wim-file, you must specify an absolute path.
  • Key /Index = indicates an index system in the wim-file to each index must be performed to re-integrate.
  • Key /Index = * allows you to successively integrate updates to all indexes wim-file.
  • Key /Optimize permits to optimize the size of wim-file after the integration of updates.



  • It is necessary to integrate the IE11 and all updates in the index 1: UpdatePack7R2.exe /ie11 /WimFile=C:\install.wim /Index=1
  • It is necessary to integrate the IE11 and all updates to all indexes: UpdatePack7R2.exe /ie11 /WimFile=C:\install.wim /Index=*
  • We need to integrate only the updates to existing products, not to change the version of IE: UpdatePack7R2.exe /WimFile=C:\install.wim /Index=1

Additional Functionality

  1. You can automatically install SP1, if it is not installed on the system. To do this, place the files Windows6.1-KB976932-X86.exe and the Windows6.1-KB976932-X64.exe in the same directory with a set.
  2. If you have a set of near UpdatePack7R2Start.cmd - it will be done before you install the update, UpdatePack7R2Finish.cmd - after installation, UpdatePack7R2Wim.cmd - after the integration of updates. By default, the console window will appear. To hide them, the first line in cmd-file must begin with ": hide" (without the quotes). An update rollup monitors the exit code of cmd-file, in case you need to reboot. This code is 3010 (exit 3010).
  3. If you want to apply your tweaks after installing Internet Explorer 11 on a working system, is located in a folder with a set of file ie11.reg and it will be imported automatically.
  4. Some keys can be replaced by the renaming of the file set. So to install IE11 can add the word "ie11" anywhere in the file name set, "-" to automatically reboot and "++" for passive installation.


  • It should automatically install the set on a working system with IE11 and reboot: Rename UpdatePack7R2.exe in UpdatePack7R2--ie11++.exe
  • It is absolutely the same as using the following keys: UpdatePack7R2.exe /ie11 /silent /reboot


  • Size (wim-file) will be increased by the size of installed updates.
  • Integrated update can be removed, even after installation.
  • It is recommended to unload from memory resident anti-virus monitor for the duration of the set.
  • A detailed log of the updates in the file %WinDir%\UpdatePack7.log.






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