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제목 : Windows 7 Build 7015 and 7016 Screenshots


https://www.mydigitallife.info/2009/01/20/windows-7-build-7015-and-7016-screenshots/Microsoft has officially released Windows 7 Beta which has the build version tag of 6.1.7000.0.081212-1400, publicly known as build 7000, and was compiled on December 12, 2008. Internally, more build versions have been compiled and some have been released for testing to selected privileged beta testers, and it has been known that even Windows 7 build 7018 is available to external testers.

Similar to Windows 7 build 7012 and Windows 7 build 7004, which is said to be Windows 7 Beta 2 in circulation to selected testers, which has its screenshots captured and posted on Internet, some guy at WZor.net has posted screen captures of Windows 7 Build 7015 and Build 7016. Both builds are obviously a later build from the publicly available Windows 7 Beta build 7000.

From the screenshots, Windows 7 Build 7015 has the build number of 6015.fbl_multimedia_media.090104-1750, and was compiled on January 4, 2009.

The tag displayed on Windows 7 Build 7-16 is 7016.fbl_multimedia_media. The full version number is believed to be 7016.0.090105-1500, compiled on January 5, 2009.
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