자유 게시판

드디어 마소 오피스 베타가!!

2009.11.19 19:32

텐도진짜(TendoZinZzA) 조회:2451


Thank you for evaluating and providing feedback on the Microsoft Office 2010 Technical Preview.

We now invite you to download the Office 2010 Beta at https://office.com/beta

The Beta release of Office 2010 marks the closing of the Technical Preview program. Going forward, please visithttps://office.com/beta for product downloads, articles, product information and links to forums related to Office 2010. There, you can download and install the latest pre-release version of Office 2010 client software and experience the exciting new features we have added to server products such as SharePoint Server 2010 and Project Server 2010.

You can also visit Technet Forums, where you can post questions, comments, and thoughts about your experience with Office 2010 Beta products, at https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums.

Thank you for your participation and feedback!

Microsoft Office 2010 Team

Connect에서 메일이 왔네요. 어제도 좋은 소식이 왔었는데..

추가: 홈페이지 접속이 안되네요. 작업이 덜 끝난듯.

하하.. 오피스 베타 테스터 복이 터졌네요.

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