자유 게시판

KMSpico v9.0.5.20131110 RC Edition

2013.11.11 20:25

좋은날♪ 조회:5495

If you like MS Windows and MS Office please buy legal and original
this program help to test this products, but recommend you buy legal from creators (M$ Corp).
I did this for fun, and now I am done with this. 
Working in W8 and Office 2013 fresh install and VOLUMEN LICENSE editions.
Ja mata ne, Farewell, Hejd? Ciao, Aloha, Zegnaj, Doei

KMSpico v9.0.5.20131110 RC Edition.

.NET 4.0 or Windows 8/2012.

Windows Vista Business/N/Enterprise/N
Windows 7 Professional/N/Enterprise/N
Windows 8 All
Windows 8.1 All
Office 2010/2013
Windows Server 2008/Standard/Datacenter/Enterprise/2008R2/Standard/Datacenter/Enterprise/
Windows Server 2012/Standard/Datacenter/2012R2/Standard/Datacenter

1. Run KMSpico_setup.exe
2. Install it.
2.1 For W8.1 Accept Install the Tap Network driver.
3. Done.

Based off of open source code KMSEmulator of mikmik38, deagles and jm287.

Recommendations Optional:
- Make exceptions to Directory %ProgramFiles%\KMSpico\*.exe in Antivirus or Defender.

How This Program Works:
1. Install KMSpico in Windows.
1.1 Create Shortcuts for KMSpico
1.2 In W8.1 Install the Tap Network Driver.
2. Run automatically KMSELDI.
2.1 Make Tokens Backup.
2.2 Detect VL or Retail and depending of the License Status activate or convert to VL.
2.3 Activate for 180 days all VL products found.
3. Install a windows service that reactive every windows start.
4. Create a task schedule for AutoPico to run every 24 hours.

Change Log:
- Fixed firewall bugs.

+ L E G A L +

First of all you should know that I do NOT release these cracks
so that you "the end-user" can benefit from it in the term of
using software or any other of these releases without buying
the required licenses. heldigard however believe that everyone
should have the option to test and backup their program and be
able to run it without any problems.

Further I do NOT in any way condone the spreading of this
crack, in other words I do NOT spread the releases to any
websites, P2P networks or any other public available location
and I urge that this releases should not be spread like that
at all.

I -heldigard- has nothing to do with the distribution of these
cracks, it is all done by third parties. As such, and
according to the laws where the individuals of heldigard reside,
it is not my responsibility what others decides to do with
these releases. However, let it be said quite clearly;

"I DO NOT in any way condone the selling or redistribution
of these cracks, this was NEVER my intention."

heldigard does NOT take any responsibility of computer-loss
or any data-errors that may occur from using these cracks.
Keep in mind that you are using a third party solution to
something we did not develop in the first place.

Do note that the usage of these cracks are legal in most
countries outside the United States, IF and ONLY IF you own a
full copy of the program - then you may use these cracks
for backup purposes, and only that. It remains to be seen how
affected you are of the End User License Agreements (EULAs).
They can't supersede domestic laws, remember that.

According to the "DMCA ACT" in the Unites States, you have no
rights to circumvent a copy protection. Beware, they will
punish you harder than if you stole the shrinkwrapped software
in a mall. Though heldigard's base of operation does not reside
in the Unites States, and thus I am NOT bound to the
US legislations like:

* No Electronic Theft Act
* Digital Millenium Copyright Act
* The Patriot Act
* <other US legislations>

You should ALWAYS buy the software that you do use, or find
suitable Open Source replacements (as there are loads), I do!

By using these cracks you automatically agree
to the written agreement above, and thus the responsibility
regarding whatever you are affected by any EULAs is
with YOU and YOU only.

+ G R E E T S +


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