유틸리티 AnyDesk 3.2.4 (무설치) (한글 지원)
2017.05.17 23:38
개선 사항
▒ Fixed Bugs
- Fixed a bug which allowed two dialogs to be shown at the same time.
- Fixed remote cursor rendering at the edges of the view.
- Fixed a bug which let elevation fail when Windows denied access to the AnyDesk executable.
- Fixed a bug which led to the service shutting down automatically on elevating its backend, in case AnyDesk has not been installed on
that side and the main window there has been closed before elevation.
- Fixed the action menu showing elevation was available although the backend has been elevated already.
- Fixed a race condition in the address book which made it unusable in some situations.
- Fixed a bug in feature availability indicator in menu.
▒ Other changes
- Added a hint in the elevation dialog that the remote user usually has to accept an elevation request.
너무나도 잘 사용하고 있는 원격제어 프로그램이 버전업 되었네요.^^