자 료 실
유틸리티 Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU)
2016.09.07 08:37
Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) V17.0.1.1 Released.
-Fixed "AMD HD Audio bus" removal that were under some circumstance also removing others Intel system devices.
-Check for pending Windows restart(update) on launch.
SHA1: A55FD3DDA6B83C59970F868F1A927D46AA6B2E69
Recommended usage:
-The tool can be used in Normal mode but for absolute stability when using DDU, Safemode is always the best.
-Make a backup or a system restore (but it should normally be pretty safe).
-It is best to exclude the DDU folder completely from any security software to avoid issues.
업 되어 군요.
매번 감사 합니다.^^