유틸리티 WinNTSetup - 20160121
2016.01.21 06:59
WinNTSetup 3.8.6
- fix boot partition mounted as A: or B: wasn't recognized
- fixed Windows 10 installing from Windows XP host
- minor improvements
- fixed wimgapi loading bug running on windows 8.x
- added GUI option for compact mode
- downloads WofAdk and makes volatile driver install
- offline windows tools will attach WofAdk
- adding WofAdk driver to new installations, if compact or wimboot made is set
- using exclusion filter to enable wimboot/compact mode for all Win7 sources and later
- fixed esd files could not be applied in compact mode
- support compact mode with wimlib v.1.8.2
- win10 with XPREES4K compact mode does not use additional compression exclusions
- resized tweaks window
- fixed bug in commandline options
- fixed command line oem switch did not support relative pathes
- default folder for file and folder browse dialogs can be defined in the ini file
- fixed download command line option did not end WinNTSetup
- accept WIM files that lacks XML information
- improvements for Windows 10 TH2
- added commandline option timeout:n, to set the boot menu timeout
댓글 [22]
카메리아 2016.01.21 07:26 -
낙엽 2016.01.21 07:54
항상 수고 많습니다. 감사합니다.
유틸사랑 2016.01.21 08:04
goldshot 2016.01.21 08:18
감사합니다. 응급상황일때 잘 쓰도록 하겠습니다.이상하게 크롬에서 다운이 안되네요.
세월 2016.01.21 08:51
감사하게 잘 쓰겠습니다..
BLIFE 2016.01.21 09:00
호야전자 2016.01.21 09:14
한소망 2016.01.21 09:25
자료 감사합니다. -
카네기 2016.01.21 09:37
박삿갓 2016.01.21 10:19
금싸라기 2016.01.21 10:48
잘 쓰겠습니다..
maniaman 2016.01.21 11:14
좋은 자료 감사합니다
enfl 2016.01.21 11:45
내사랑울보 2016.01.21 13:24
쥐띠 2016.01.21 13:42
빙봉 2016.01.21 17:27
업데이트 감사합니다.
콜레오 2016.01.21 18:40
수고하셨습니다. 감사합니다.
단편지식 2016.01.22 10:25
감사합니다. 추천드려요
활매 2016.01.22 15:20
자료 감사합니다.
元石 2016.01.23 20:15
감사합니다, 네박자님. (__)
Smile JJang!! 2016.03.03 20:34
Sharer 2016.03.18 14:07