유틸리티 [Rebuilt] .NET Framework 4.5.1 Full x86/x64 (4-25-2014)
2014.04.26 07:07
About: Rebuilt (nothing removed) .NET Framework 4.5.1 Full x86/x64 installers including ALL updates (and Language Packs) integrated. For command-line options run <installer_name>.exe /?
Note: Don't let the large size of the installer deceive you, using this installer saves 108 MB of disk space vs the original installer. The reason the installer is larger & saves disk space is because of better compression of the MZZ/CAB, when it comes time to rebuild the installer the maximum compressed (LZX:21) CAB will not shrink as much as the default non compressed one.
OS: Windows Vista/Server 2008 SP2 x86/x64 or Windows 7/Server 2008 R2 SP1 x86/x64
Rebuilt Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 Full x86/x64
Download: https://adf.ly/1713566/dotnet451rpck
Size: 97.4 MB
MD5: fb382a0650e807a4f288ba52542d77d8
Rebuilt Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 Full x86/x64 Incl. Language Packs (ARA CHS CHT CSY DAN DEU ELL ESN FIN FRA HEB HUN ITA JPN KOR NLD NOR PLK PTB PTG RUS SVE TRK)
Download: https://adf.ly/1713566/dotnet451intrpck
Size: 283 MB
MD5: d43df862bad36f5fd0d0fbda00e055c7
. NET Framework 4.5.1 Full - Rebuilt 20140425.zip
댓글 [9]
훈이 2014.04.26 08:53
히릿 2014.04.26 10:01
cdf.ly 서버가 상당히 불안정하군요..
필요에 의해 다운로드 받으시는분들은.. 다운완료후 용량체크 해보셔야할 듯,,
슈퍼맨 2014.04.26 16:51
거긴 그냥 광고 사이트입니다....실제 계정은 거기가아니죠
k-style™ 2014.04.26 10:18 얼마 전에 받았던 것 같은데...
업댓되었군요. 항상 감사합니다. ^^
네이놈 2014.04.26 10:23
MD5 해시값 체크해서 비교해주는 툴입니다. 활용하세요.
네이놈 2014.04.26 10:26
드로이얀7 (이준호) 2014.04.26 13:25
5.1버전까지 있습니다.
슈퍼맨 2014.04.26 16:52
굳이 광고를 볼필요는없죠.....링크만따오면됩니다
근데 서버가 상당히 불안정하네요 조금받다가 끊기고...재시도하면 파일이 깨져서 받아지네요
이어받기 프로그램을 써야할듯
김영감™ 2014.04.26 20:31
받다가 120메가 정도에서 끊기네요.