그래픽 Serif Affinity Photo/Designer/Publisher 2.0.0(사진/벡터/출판 소프트웨어)
2022.11.13 14:46
Serif Affinity Photo/Designer/Publisher 2.0.0(사진/벡터/출판 소프트웨어)
한동안 Serif에서 Mac용만 업데이트를 하고 Windows용은 소식이 없더니
드디어 Windows용 2.0.0 버전을 선보이는군요.
Affinity Photo(사진 편집 소프트웨어)
Affinity Designer(벡터 그래픽 소프트웨어)
Affinity Publisher(출판용 소프트웨어)
System Requirements :
Windows-based PC (64 bit) with mouse or equivalent input device
Hardware GPU acceleration*
DirectX 10-compatible graphics cards and above
8GB RAM recommended
1GB of available hard drive space; more during installation
1280x768 display size or larger
Operating System:
Windows® 11
Windows® 10 May 2020 Update (2004, 20H1, build 19041) or later
Direct3D level 12.0-capable card
Home Page - https://affinity.serif.com
Affinity Publisher - https://affinity.serif.com/en-gb/publisher
DownLoad - 메가드라이브(422.3 Mb)
DownLoad - 미디어파이어(422.27 Mb)
Affinity Designer - https://affinity.serif.com/en-us/designer
DownLoad - 메가드라이브(426.4 Mb)
DownLoad - 미디어파이어(426.42 Mb)
Affinity Photo - https://affinity.serif.com/en-us/photo
DownLoad - 메가드라이브(456.4 Mb)
DownLoad - 미디어파이어(456.37 Mb)
압축비번 : nheart2
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