유틸리티 WinNTSetup 5.2.0 x64 단일 실행파일입니다.
2022.02.04 11:46
WinNTSetup 5.2.0 x64 단일 실행파일입니다.
WinNTSetup 5.2.0
- fixed capture-cli did not reset console title
- fixed console tools stdout could not be redirected
- fixed disk name could show trailing spaces
- fixed %errorlevel% not set in some cases
- fixed apply error and silent command line option did not exist WinNTSetup
- fixed free drive letter scan with buggy VMware mountpoints
- changed local windows listview uses VHD/VHDX icon
- changed WimBoot or CompactOS apply now uses wimlib as default
- changed Win7-11-Select.xml will be igored if not all fields are filled
- added SecureBoot detection on Windows 7 Host
- added MinWin Mode (click on Mode)
- added ini option DriveComboExclude simular to BootMountExclude
- improved add other OS function
댓글 [8]
유틸사랑 2022.02.04 12:23
이자크 2022.02.04 12:41
항상 감사합니다
김영자 2022.02.04 12:48
감사합니다 ^^
RainbowFOX 2022.02.04 13:04
수고 많이 하셨습니다.
더애드 2022.02.04 13:28
하늘은높고구름은뭉게구름 2022.02.04 16:22
동백66 2022.02.04 20:13
디펜더가 잡어가버리네요.....
홍이잠 2022.02.07 13:44
좋은자료 감사합니다.. 즐겁고 행복한 시간 되세요♡