유틸리티 WinNTSetup 5.1.0 x64 입니다.
2021.11.23 12:42
WinNTSetup 5.1.0 x64 입니다.
WinNTSetup 5.1.0
- fixed global disabling of combobox animation
- fixed vertical alignment of edit controls
- fixed now using rounded button in Win11 Darkmode
- fixed vhd-create commandline option only accepts - not /
- fixed combo could add empty strings and accepts them as valid input
- removed subframe from Darkmode Messagebox in Win11
- added format option to ini and GUI (right click on F button)
- added /help command line option
- added option 'VHD creation, FAT32 Part' boot file creation
- added option 'VHD creation, FAT32 Part' select as boot drive
- added option 'VHD creation, FAT32 Part' assign drive letter
- updated BootICE Darkmode
댓글 [10]
집앞의_큰나무 2021.11.23 14:00
더애드 2021.11.23 14:16
홍이잠 2021.11.23 15:41
좋은자료 감사합니다.. 즐겁고 행복한 시간 되세요♡
김영자 2021.11.23 17:07
감사합니다 ^^
bluebirds 2021.11.23 18:06
미리내i 2021.11.23 19:11
감사합니다. 잘 쓰겠습니다.
둥근호박 2021.11.23 20:01
하아들 2021.11.23 21:25
REFS 2021.11.23 21:31
붉바리 2021.11.23 22:59
새로운 버전 올려주셔서 감사 합니다.