유틸리티 8GadgePack v32.0
2020.06.17 22:05
6월 13일자 8GadgePack v32.0 입니다.
윈도우 10, 8.1에 윈도우 7때처럼 위젯을 사용할 수 있게 해 줍니다.
버전 히스토리
2020-06-13: Version 32.0 released.
Added monitor theme to Clock and Clipboarder gadgets:
The clock theme was provided by Dmitri Poterianski, thank you!
Improved multi-monitor support: gadgets now remain where they were placed after user-switch and remote-desktop connections. Improved DPI-support: DPI-aware gadgets remain sharp when they are moved to a monitor with different DPI-values and after the DPI-value is changed. DPI-unaware gadgets are now scaled so they are usable on monitors with very high DPI-values. Made it easier for gadget developers to make gadgets DPI-aware: objects added with addTextObject and addImageObject are now automatically scaled (calling fixDpiObject() is no longer necessary). Fixed Clock gadget rendering issues on Windows 8. Handle Windows major updates better so that gadget settings are not lost on some cases. Added back Microsoft Currency Gadget and made it working again. It now uses data from the European Central Bank and has some more bugfixes. Added back Microsoft RSS Feeds Gadget with better explanation on how to use it and some other improvements. Add 24/12-hour option in HUD Time gadget. Fix rendering issues in flyouts of some gadgets. Fixed scaling issues in RecycleBin and SearchAll gadgets. Remove Weather Meter Gadget (no longer working). Improved Slovak translation of 7 Sidebar. Clipboarder shouldn't slow down MS Word and Excel when copying anymore. Fixed rare crash of Clipboarder that would occur in some situations while files are in the clipboard. Made Clipboarder hotkeys compatible with a Windows Update of Windows 1909 and with Windows 2004. Updated MyWeather and Igors gadgets.
8GadgetPack에는 없는 아이폰 시계 가젯을 첨부해 올립니다. 윈도우 7용이지만 윈도우 10에서도 아무 이상없이 작동합니다. 초침까지 나오도록하면 더 이쁩니다.
다운로드; https://8gadgetpack.net/dl_320/8GadgetPackSetup.msi
홈페이지; https://8gadgetpack.net/
늘 애용하는 프로그램임니당! 깜사함니당! ^-^