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윈 도 우 무월님에게 그리고 스크립트 고수님들에게......

2024.03.22 22:31

마로94 조회:614 추천:2

아래 글에서 upp에서 lcuwinre=1만 교체후 작업을 해서 드라이브 통합하고 이것 저것 했는데 

무월님이 드라이버도 넣어두면 다 통합 된다고 하셔서~~~~~~~~~~




무월님 말씀대로 순서대로 해보니 헉 먼가 허전하게 드라이브도 통합이 안되고 먼가 슥 지나 가서 다시금 살펴보니 autostart=0 수동으로 바꾸면서 컨버터컨피그가 수정이 된듯해서 질문 드립니다

위와 같이 5단계만 하면 드라이브 등이 통합이 안되고 금방 지나가 버리는 기분이라 다시 


첨부하는 파일에서 수동으로 set 부분에 설정을 다 하고 해야 되는듯 합니다

컨버터 set부분이 많은듯 어떤것을 어떻게 수정을 해야 되는지 알려주세요
그리고 가르쳐 주시는 김에 빌드 부분도 같게 어디 부분에 어떤식으로 넣어야 되는지도 가르쳐 주세요 


윈도우 포럼 - 설치/사용기 - PE의 빌드 앞번호 수정하기 (windowsforum.kr)  <========참조



<!-- : Begin batch script

@setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion

@set uivr=v101

@echo off

:: Change to 1 to enable debug mode

set _Debug=0


:: ### Auto processing option ###

:: 1 - create ISO with install.wim

:: 2 - create ISO with install.esd

:: 3 - create install.wim only

:: 4 - create install.esd only

set AutoStart=0


:: Change to 1 to integrate updates (if detected) into install.wim/winre.wim

:: Change to 2 to add updates externally to iso distribution

set AddUpdates=0


:: Change to 1 to cleanup images to delta-compress superseded components (Warning: on 18362 and later, this removes the base RTM Edition packages)

set Cleanup=0


:: Change to 1 to rebase image and remove superseded components (faster than default delta-compress)

:: require first to set Cleanup=1

set ResetBase=0


:: Change to 1 to enable .NET 3.5 feature with updates

set NetFx3=0


:: Change to 1 to start create_virtual_editions.cmd directly after conversion

set StartVirtual=0


:: Change to 1 to convert install.wim to install.esd

set wim2esd=0


:: Change to 1 to split install.wim into multiple install.swm

:: note: if both options are 1, install.esd takes precedence

set wim2swm=0


:: Change to 1 for not creating ISO file, result distribution folder will be kept

set SkipISO=0


:: Change to 1 for not adding winre.wim into install.wim/install.esd

set SkipWinRE=0


:: Change to 1 to force updating winre.wim with Cumulative Update regardless if SafeOS update detected

:: auto enabled for builds 22000 and later, change to 2 to disable

set LCUwinre=0


:: Change to 1 to disable updating process optimization by using editions upgrade (Home>Pro / ServerStandard>ServerDatacenter)

:: auto enabled for builds 26000 and later, change to 2 to disable

set DisableUpdatingUpgrade=0


:: Change to 1 to update ISO boot files bootmgr/memtest/efisys.bin from Cumulative Update

set UpdtBootFiles=0


:: Change to 1 to use dism.exe for creating boot.wim

set ForceDism=0


:: Change to 1 to keep converted Reference ESDs

set RefESD=0


:: Change to 1 to skip creating Cumulative Update MSU for builds 21382 - 25330

set SkipLCUmsu=0


:: Change to 1 for not integrating EdgeChromium with Enablement Package or Cumulative Update

:: Change to 2 for alternative workaround to avoid EdgeChromium with Cumulative Update only

set SkipEdge=0


:: Change to 1 to exit the process on completion without prompt

set AutoExit=0


:: ### Drivers Options ###


:: Change to 1 to add drivers to install.wim and boot.wim / winre.wim

set AddDrivers=1


:: custom folder path for drivers - default is "Drivers" folder next to the script

:: the folder must contain subfolder for each drivers target:

:: ALL   / drivers will be added to all wim files

:: OS    / drivers will be added to install.wim only

:: WinPE / drivers will be added to boot.wim / winre.wim only

set "Drv_Source=\Drivers"


:: ### Store Apps for builds 22563 and later ###


:: Change to 1 for not integrating store apps into install.wim

set SkipApps=0


:: # Control added Apps for Client editions (except Team)

:: 0 / all referenced Apps

:: 1 / only Store, Security Health

:: 2 / level 1 + Photos, Camera, Notepad, Paint

:: 3 / level 2 + Terminal, App Installer, Widgets, Mail

:: 4 / level 3 + Media apps (Music, Video, Codecs, Phone Link) / not for N editions

set AppsLevel=0


:: # Control preference for Apps which are available as stubs

:: 0 / install as stub app

:: 1 / install as full app

set StubAppsFull=0


:: Enable using CustomAppsList.txt or CustomAppsList2.txt to pick and choose added Apps (takes precedence over AppsLevel)

:: CustomAppsList2.txt will be used if detected

set CustomList=0


:: ###################################################################





번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 추천 등록일
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XE1.11.6 Layout1.4.8