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소프트웨어 VMware 설명인데 영어로 된거 해석&설명 좀 해주실 분 계신가요?

2010.11.22 00:46

메리아 조회:4363

정말 죄송한 부탁입니다만,

영어 잘하시고 키보드 보안관련에 대해서 이해가 있으신분 계시면

아래 VMware Help의 내용 좀 간단히 해석 & 설명 좀 부탁드립니다. ㅠㅠ


Select Require the enhanced virtual keyboard to power on if you want ACE instances created with this ACE master to always run with that feature.
You must also turn on the enhanced keyboard filter feature in virtual machine settings. To do that, go to VM > Settings > Options > General and select Use enhanced virtual keyboard under Miscellaneous. Click OK on the General settings page.
The enhanced keyboard filter provides an alternate method for the way a Windows host system ordinarily processes keyboard input. The filter provides a solution to these problems:
Certain key combinations are reserved by Windows operating systems and are processed before low-level keyboard hooks are processed. For example, if you press Ctrl+Alt+Delete while the running ACE instance has keyboard focus, the host system, as well as the guest system, acts on the entered command.
Keyboard input is passed quickly through the operating system driver stack and possibly other low-level keyboard hooks, providing opportunities for malware to log keystrokes intended for an ACE instance.
The enhanced keyboard filter provides a new keyboard input path for Windows host systems. It processes raw keyboard input as soon as possible, bypassing Windows keystroke processing and any malware that’s not already at a lower layer.
The virtual machine settings editor has the enhanced keyboard filter option setting enabled by default. With that setting, the virtual machine or ACE instance runs in VMware Player with the enhanced option as long as the needed keyboard filter driver has been included in the virtual machine/instance’s files.
If you enable this runtime preference policy, an ACE instance created with this setting must use the enhanced keyboard filter option. If the driver is not available to the instance at power-on, the instance will not run.



워낙에 제 영어가 짧아서 머리만 어지럽네요.

그래도 왠만한 컴관련 설명은 어지간히 길어도 이해를 하겠는데, 저건 아리송하고 잘 이해가 안가서요.

제가 저 내용을 알고자 하는 목적은, 키보드 보안 때문인데,

vmware에 보안이 요구되는 프로그램들을 담아서 vmware파일들을 usb에 넣어 가지고 다니면서 PC방이나 공용PC에서 쓸 생각이거든요.

그래서 vmware의 virtual 키보드 관련해서 찾다보니 저 내용이 나오네요.

그런데 게스트시스템에서 Ctrl+Alt+Delete눌러도 그냥 작업관리자밖에 안뜨고 가상키보드 같은것도 따로 안뜨네요. ㅠㅠ


근데 저 내용을 제대로 이해했는지는 모르겠는데,

결국 vmware를 그냥 쓰기만 하면(저 enhanced옵션은 기본 활성화 됨) 호스트시스템(메인윈도우)에 키로거가 깔려있어도 안걸린단 얘기 맞나요?

(당연히 게스트시스템(vmware내의 윈도우)에도 키로거는 없다고 가정했을때.)


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