강좌 / 팁

기 타 레지스트리로 Aero Effect를 활성 비활성으로 하는 방법

2007.09.17 17:40

gooddew 조회:11483 추천:1

To disable Windows Aero Glass theme in Windows Vista by editing registry, simply follow the below steps.

Mind that the change in registry editor are effective instantaneous and applied immediately,
and there is no undo function.

So proceed with care as any mistake may corrupt the Windows.

Click on Windows Start button, and type “regedit” in the Instant Search box at the bottom.

Search result should return just one single entry named “regedit” in the pane above.

Click on the “regedit” in the search result.

Click on Continue button if any User Account Control dialog window appears with security warning and asking for confirmation and permission to continue.

Expand and navigate to the following registry key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsDWN On the right pane, there is an registry entry named ColorizationColor with type as DWORD.

Right click on ColorizationColor, and select Delete on the right click menu.

Click on OK to confirm the deletion.

Then right click on registry value titled Composition (type DWORD) and select Modify.

Change the value to 0 (by default is 1).

Restart the computer.      
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