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Vista SP1 32Bit Build 6001 17128 READ NFO-WinBeta

2008.01.10 15:07

나그네 조회:5545

Microsoft Windows Vista SP1 Update 32Bit Build 6001 17128 READ NFO-WinBeta

Microsoft made availble to testers on January 9 yet another refresh of Windows Vista Service Pack (SP) 1 Release Candidate (RC) test build.

Microsoft’s statement:

“Today, Microsoft released the latest pre-release build of SP1 – ‘Windows Vista SP1 RC Refresh’ — to approximately 15,000 beta testers. This group includes corporate customers, consumer enthusiasts, software and hardware vendors, and others. The code is not available for public download.

“We are still on schedule to deliver SP1 RTM in Q1 CY08. The final release date is based on quality, so we will continue to track customer and partner feedback from the beta program before setting a final date.”
Microsoft released a publicly available test build of Windows Vista SP1 in December 2007.
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