최신 정보

Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Out Next Week!

2008.02.02 22:53

tester 조회:6959

출처 : https://www.techarp.com/showarticle.aspx?artno=505

If you have been waiting for Service Pack 1 for Windows Vista, well, you can now mark your calender. We just received word that Microsoft has scheduled Windows Vista Service Pack 1 for release to manufacturer (RTM) on Monday, February 4, 2008. That's just 3 days away! The OEMs will also receive Windows Vista Service Pack 1 during that week.

Microsoft will be deploying Service Pack 1 in two "waves". Wave 0, which is the one released on February 4, will only include five languages - English, French, Spanish, German and Japanese. The second wave, Wave 1, is scheduled for release 1-2 weeks later, and will cover all 36 basic languages, including Chinese.

Microsoft claims Windows Vista SP1 will provide key improvements on the security, performance and reliability of Windows Vista by providing :

All previously released updates since RTM
Performance and reliability improvements in core scenarios such as file copy, network browsing, and improved response time to resume from sleep.
Support for new types of hardware, and several emerging standards.
There are improvements to the administration experience. One of the most important changes we’re making is that BitLocker now supports encrypting for multiple volumes.

Of course, Service Pack 1 will also disable two common methods of hacking Windows Vista, namely the OEM BIOS exploit and the Grace Timer exploit.

어설프게 요약해보자면
2월4일 나올 wave0는 5개국어(영,불,독,스,일)이고
1~2주뒤에 나올 wave1은 36개국어이며

맨 아래쪽에 보시면  
OEM BIOS exploit 와 Grace Timer exploit는 사용못하게한다는거 같습니다.

카조님의 활약을 기대해봅니다.
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