최신 정보

RTM 출시 일정 확정됨

2009.07.22 12:12

이배천 조회:2167

Microsoft has just sent word that MSDN and TechNet customers will be able to get hold of Windows 7 RTM on August 6.

Windows 7 RTM will initially be available in English on August 6th and remaining languages by October 1st for both MSDN and TechNet customers.

Microsoft has released a time-line for RTM availability, English will be first followed by other languages:
•ISV/IHV - ISV (Independent software vendor) and IHV (Independent hardware vendor) Partners will be able to download Windows 7 RTM from Microsoft Connect or MSDN on August 6th.
•Partner Program Gold/Certified Members - August 16th. By October 1st, the remaining languages will become available to download.
•Action Pack Subscribers - August 23rd. By October 1st, the remaining languages will become available to download.
•OEMs - Approximately 2 days after Microsoft officially RTM
•Volume License with Software Assurance - August 7th via the Volume License Service Center (VLSC). The rest of the languages for Windows 7 RTM should be available within a couple of weeks after that.
•Volume License without Software Assurance - September 1 (downloadable from the Volume License Service Center)
•MSDN/TechNet - August 6th and remaining languages by October 1st.
•Everyone else - October 22nd, general availability date.

Microsoft also confirmed there is no special deal or "thank you" for Windows 7 testers. The special pre-order pricing was "done with our beta testers in mind" according to Brandon LeBlanc.
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