자유 게시판

무슨 뜻일까요??

2008.02.25 21:07

2 조회:2084

무슨 뜻이죠??

Things to know before you download Windows Vista SP1
Published: February 14, 2008


If you have a prior version of the SP1 beta installed, you must uninstall it prior to installing the final version. Use the Control Panel applet "Programs and Features" and select "View installed updates" from the top left of the task pane. Under Windows, look for "Service Pack for Windows (KB936330).
Some TechNet Plus subscribers may encounter an issue with a small set of hardware devices that may not function properly after updating a Windows Vista PC to SP1.   This is an issue with the way the device drivers were re-installed during the SP1 update process, not with the drivers themselves—these drivers worked on Windows Vista RTM and they work on Windows Vista SP1.  This problem is typically corrected by simply uninstalling and reinstalling the driver. If reinstalling the driver does not help and you’d like to report a devices/driver bug please download the tool available in this posting https://forums.microsoft.com/TechNet/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=2852824&SiteID=17&mode=1
We are working with the manufacturers of these devices to get the drivers and their install programs updated, and also on other solutions we can use to ensure a smooth customer experience when updating to SP1 over Windows Update. For new PCs provisioned with Windows Vista SP1, this is not an issue.

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