자유 게시판

알아두면 좋은 비스타 인증 명령어

2008.08.19 13:21

유리엘 조회:2254

Here is a tip that some of you may find useful:

If you are running a copy of Vista that is not activated, you can see how much time is remaining by using this command:

1. slmgr -dli

It takes about 15 seconds before the results will appear. To see the actual date and time that Vista will expire, run this command:

2. slmgr -xpr

Now here comes the fun part... Is 30 days not enough? You can reset that timer by running this command (as admin if you're using UAC) and rebooting:

3. slmgr -rearm

Don't get too excited though. According to Microsoft's website, that rearm command will only work three times. So basically, you can extend your trial period up to 120 days. Not bad. Now you can run the same installation all the way until you get your valid key at retail.

간단하게 기술하면 실행 - cmd 에서

1, 2 명령어를 기입하면 인증여부와 사용기간을 표시해 줍니다. ( 15초 정도 걸림 )

3 명령어는 비스타의 유효 인증기간을 최대 3번까지 연장해서 30일씩 총 120일까지 사용하게 가능하도록 합니다.

주의!! 3번의 경우 명령 프롬프트를 어드민 계정으로 실행해야 합니다.
XE1.11.6 Layout1.4.8