자유 게시판

이런 사기성 이메일 어떻게 처리해야 할까요?

2010.12.21 01:19

무비어스 조회:1776

이런 황당한 이메일이 왔는데 좀 어이가 없어서

이거 어디다 신고해야 하나요? 이 인간들 잡는 방법 없을까요?

아래는 이메일 전문입니다.




I am a Banker here. There is the sum of $25,000,000.00 which there is no beneficiary stated and no one will ever come for the money which l now need you as the beneficiary.

That is why I ask that we work together so as to have the sum
transferred out into your Bank Account or any other account
of your choice. Can you Help Me with Trust? Once the funds have been transferred to
your Nominated Bank Account we shall then share in the ratio of 50%
for me, 50% for you, do send me a mail as soon as possible for more details ( joywilliamsv@gmail.com).

l shall want you to be my business partner after this.

Let me have your detailed information as follows. l shall detail you more as soon as we began.


Your Full Name


Mobile Number


Your Country Of Birth


Your Job Position


Your present Country Of living.



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