자유 게시판

SwiDoo PDF Added 6-Language Versions and Enhanced Editing Feature

2023.04.20 18:37

skylly 조회:226

Hello to all my Korean friends, I have some good news to announce today! SwifDoo PDF has released a Korean version, so you can now switch the language in the settings and use it more conveniently.


AWZware just released a new version- SwiDoo PDF, a PDF editor aiming to help users increase their productivity in multiple ways. This PDF editor allows users to edit, annotate, compress, merge & split, convert, and add watermarks & e-signature in PDF documents.

Multilanguage Added

As a cutting-edge PDF management utility for Windows computers, SwifDoo PDF is always making efforts to expand its user groups worldwide and improve its user experience.

Before this update, SwifDoo PDF already supported English, French, and German, This time, SwifDoo PDF adds Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, and Chinese (Traditional) options, which helps the program gain popularity worldwide further.

Enhanced editing, annotating, and converting PDFs
The latest version of SwifDoo PDF brings exciting new improvements to the user experience. With this release, users can now enjoy a smoother and more efficient PDF editing, annotating, and converting process. The software's intuitive interface and advanced features make it easier than ever to create, edit, and convert high-quality PDFs. Whether you're a business professional or a student, SwifDoo PDF's new version is designed to improve your workflow and help you achieve your goals. Try it out today and see for yourself how SwifDoo PDF can take your PDF experience to the next level

About SwifDoo PDF
The SwiDoo PDF is easy to use, and can be integrated with existing systems. SwiDoo PDF is available for purchase now, and can be accessed through our website.AWZware is committed to providing high-quality products and speeding up your efficiency.

We are thrilled to offer SwiDoo PDF to our customers, and we are excited to see the positive impact it will have on the PDF industry. For more information, please visit https://www.swifdoo.com/.

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