자 료 실

유틸리티 Flash Player RC 1 Release Candidate for Desktops

2012.03.04 22:22

Visored 조회:4949

Flash Player 11.2 Release Candidate 32-bit Installers

Flash Player 11.2 Release Candidate 64-bit Installers

Flash Player 11.2 Release Candidate 32-bit Content Debuggers**

Flash Player 11.2 Release Candidate 32-bit Standalone Debuggers**

Flash Player 11.2 Release Candidate Global SWC


Please uninstall any previous versions of Flash Player before installing this prerelease build.

To revert to the shipping version of Flash Player 11, follow the instructions below, then install the shipping version of Flash Player 11.


  1. 32-bit: Download the Flash Player 11.2 release candidate uninstaller for Windows 32-bit
    64-bit: Download the Flash Player 11.2 candidate uninstaller for Windows 64-bit
  2. Go to your download folder.
  3. Find the uninstaller file, double-click it and follow the prompts.


  1. Download the Flash Player 11.2 release candidate uninstaller for Mac OS X
  2. Go to your download folder.
  3. Find the uninstaller file, double-click it and follow the prompts.


For manual removal, delete the libflashplayer.so binary file in the plug-ins folder of your browser. Refer to your browser vendor for the location of this folder.

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XE1.11.6 Layout1.4.8