자 료 실

유틸리티 GImageX 2.1.1 Stable

2014.01.23 00:31

네박자 조회:10279 추천:2

GImageX is a graphical user interface for the ImageX tool from the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK). ImageX is used to capture and apply WIM images for Windows deployments. GImageX uses the supported Microsoft WIMGAPI API for working with WIM files.

GImageX is a native application for the x86 and x64 platforms (Windows XP and above) that will also work in Windows PE (WinPE).  There is also a COM component version included that implements some of the basic functionality for direct use in languages such as VBScript.

Download GImageX below.

Current Versions

VersionDate last updatedNotes
GImageX v2.1.122nd January, 2014This is the current stable version for use with the Windows ADK for Windows 8.1.


GImageX. Includes x86 and x64 components, and:

  • GImageX program files, documentation and examples.
  • GImageX COM – COM component version for adding WIM functionality to your own programs and scripts.
download zip 106x51@2x GImageX
Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK). Download directly from Microsoft.download zip 106x51@2x GImageX



gimagex capture GImageX

gimagex capture progress GImageX

gimagex info GImageX

gimagex mount GImageX


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