자유 게시판
이거 어떻게 등록 하는 거예요
2018.02.05 18:09
visual studio에서 spread .net 을 사용해 볼려고 하는데요 잘 안되네요
-start menu > Microsoft Visual Studio 201x > Visual Studio Tools > open the 'Developer Command Prompt for VS'
-example you extract the archive to c:\test, you have to navigate there by :
cd /d c:\test\bin
then run one by one the following to working the *.design.dll files to GAC
gacutil /i FarPoint.Win.Chart.Design.dll /f
gacutil /i FarPoint.Win.Spread.Design.dll /f
gacutil /i GrapeCity.Win.PluginInputMan.Design.dll /f