유틸리티 FastCopy 3.31 32-64 bit 영문판
2017.07.31 17:31
FastCopy provides a faster way to copy, move or delete large numbers of files. It automatically selects an optimized method depending on whether the Source and Destination directory are on the same or different hard drives, and performs read/write operations without using the O/S cache. In addition to simple copy and delete operations, the program also supports advanced methods that allow you to synchronize files based on their date and size. Other features include customizable buffer size, preview of file actions, adjustable speed control, command-line support, file verification and advanced file filtering. FastCopy supports Unicode and long file names. Standalone software, installation is optional.
Increase initial main buffer size(x64:128MB -> 256MB, x86:64MB -> 128MB).
Increase maximum attributes buffer size (x64:1GB -> 8GB).
Increase path buffer size for verify/move (x64:8MB -> 128MB) and it can be changed in fastcopy2.ini (max_movesize/max_digestsize).
Change Grace period of compare timestamp(ms) to 64bit (max 23days -> unlimit)
Use NOBUFFERING flag evenif it is a network file when the file is big.
Allow BOM in the specified files by /srcfile= or /srcfile_w= options.
Improve buffer separation policy.
Take a measure for DLL preload attack.
댓글 [2]
nabbiriri 2017.07.31 19:59
이세라 2017.07.31 20:12 이번버전 버그가 좀 있는것으로 보입니다.
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번호 | 제목 | 글쓴이 | 조회 | 추천 | 등록일 |
[공지] | 저작권 보호 요청 자료 목록 | gooddew | - | - | - |
[공지] | 자료실 이용간 유의사항 | gooddew | - | - | - |
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저만 그런지 모르겠는데 setup파일로 설치시 이번버젼의 변경사항(버퍼 128MB -> 256MB)이 적용안되어 있네요. 언인스톨후(프로그램 폴더에서 파일 제거 확인) 재설치해도 마찬가지고요.
반면 포터블로 실행하면 변경사항이 적용되어 있네요.