Method 1 : just remove Pending.xml from winsxs dir using imagex.exe
if u don't ever used imagex or dont have waik install...
Method 2 : Forcely finishing setup by running cmds while the setup
before u apply this enable or disable feathers cos after the vlite u wont able to do that not matter if u gonna use win7 or server
u also want to remove comps that vlite dont remove like printers drivers
this guide apply to all win6.1 32bit or 64bit
Till now we get setup problem at the end of the setup on windows 7
" could not configure one or more system components..."
Vlite with Component Cache (winsxs) remove all winsxs dirs and cause that
the guide is simple
0. use vlite and choose Component Cache (winsxs) too
1. install the os
2. wait the msg to come [ " could not configure one or more system components..." ]
3. press and hold shift + f10 to open cmd console
4. go to oobe in system32 dir
5. run msoobe.exe and make ur user.....after finishing it then run Audit.exe
the system should reboot it self automatically if not msoobe.exe progress didnt finish
[ ]
[ notice the user creation appear only in windows 7 ]
that will end the setup and reboot the os
then update will appear and failed will reboot again and the os will start
6. dont forget to remove $windows.-bt and $windows.-ls from c:\
really easy, hope its will work for u guys i test it on server 2008 r2
and win7 32bit
btw maybe now with this we will able to choose all vlite's comps
Windows 7 32bit with dead0's bat applied and more dirs got deleted
질문과 답변
윈 도 우 win 7 다이어트.........고수분께서 자세한 해석 부탁 드립니다.
2010.02.06 18:27
출처 :
winsxs폴드를 삭제하는 방법 같은데 잘 아시는분 자세한 설명 부탁 드립니다..
[Guide] Windows 7 Extreme / WinSxS Removal With Vlite
by bypassing / ending Setup
Ver 1.02
Method 1 : just remove Pending.xml from winsxs dir using imagex.exe
if u don't ever used imagex or dont have waik install...
Method 2 : Forcely finishing setup by running cmds while the setup
before u apply this enable or disable feathers cos after the vlite u wont able to do that not matter if u gonna use win7 or server
u also want to remove comps that vlite dont remove like printers drivers
this guide apply to all win6.1 32bit or 64bit
Till now we get setup problem at the end of the setup on windows 7
" could not configure one or more system components..."
Vlite with Component Cache (winsxs) remove all winsxs dirs and cause that
the guide is simple
0. use vlite and choose Component Cache (winsxs) too
1. install the os
2. wait the msg to come [ " could not configure one or more system components..." ]
3. press and hold shift + f10 to open cmd console
4. go to oobe in system32 dir
5. run msoobe.exe and make ur user.....after finishing it then run Audit.exe
the system should reboot it self automatically if not msoobe.exe progress didnt finish
[ ]
[ notice the user creation appear only in windows 7 ]
that will end the setup and reboot the os
then update will appear and failed will reboot again and the os will start
6. dont forget to remove $windows.-bt and $windows.-ls from c:\
really easy, hope its will work for u guys i test it on server 2008 r2
and win7 32bit
btw maybe now with this we will able to choose all vlite's comps
Windows 7 32bit with dead0's bat applied and more dirs got deleted
댓글 [1]
진모씨 2010.02.06 20:09
번호 | 제목 | 글쓴이 | 조회 | 등록일 |
[공지] | 질문과 답변 게시판 이용간 유의사항 | gooddew | - | - |
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12320 | 윈 도 우| win 7에서 홈네트워크 사용방법~~ [3] | Lukeskywalker | 4393 | 02-07 |
12319 | 윈 도 우| 왜 vLite를 해도 ISO의 용량은 줄어들지를 않나요.. | 진모씨 | 2674 | 02-07 |
12318 | 윈 도 우| 윈도우 7에서 엠베스트 동영상 문제 해결법 [2] | 진모씨 | 8285 | 02-07 |
12317 | 하드웨어| 긴급)) 포토샾, 일러 실행도~ 삭제도 안됩니다....ㅠ.ㅠ | mage | 3092 | 02-07 |
12316 | 윈 도 우| 밴드님 1기가 윈7 가지고 있는 분 있나요? [16] | 파인퓨쳐 | 3083 | 02-07 |
12315 | 윈 도 우| 윈도우 시작시 골뱅이가 빙빙돌때 해결방법 | 떠오름 | 3092 | 02-07 |
12314 | 윈 도 우| 리눅스 설치 | dhkdngkgk | 3035 | 02-07 |
12313 | 윈 도 우| 프로패셔널 이..좀 이상합니다. | nanari | 2809 | 02-07 |
12312 | 하드웨어| 쿨러추천좀 해주세요~ [1] | 학사 | 2520 | 02-07 |
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vLite에서 WinSxS 체크하면 된답니다. - Component Cache (winsxs)