자 료 실
유틸리티 Everything (25 October 2016)
2016.10.25 13:50
업데이트가 너무 잦네요.
정식 버전 나올 때까지 기다리는게 나을 것 같습니다.
일단 포터블x64와 링크 걸어 봅니다.
Tuesday, 25 October 2016: Version fixed an issue with namepartdupe: fixed exclude hidden files fixed a dual display search history positioning issue fixed an issue with file: fixed an issue with indexing hidden or system folders/files fixed an issue when re-indexing an existing NTFS/ReFS index when "Include Only" is set. added shell: function support. added millisecond support to time format
댓글 [1]
우상각 2016.10.26 05:49