자유 게시판

윈도10 버전1607 14393.222 공식 업데이트로 나왔네요

2016.09.30 03:41

suk 조회:4125 추천:13

얼마 전에 릴리스 프리뷰 업데이트로 먼저 나왔는데요. 테스트가 성공적이었나봅니다. 일반 업데이트로도 나왔네요

근데 예전 경험을 보면 버전은 같아도 약간 업데이트 구성이 달랐던 경우도 있습니다. 그냥 참고로..


아직 ms 카탈로그에 파일은 등록되어 있지 않네요. 저는 카탈로그 파일 다운로드 하여 msu 파일 안에 있는 cab으로 통합합니다.

September 29, 2016 — KB3194496 (OS Builds 14393.222) 

This update includes quality improvements. No new operating system features are being introduced in this update. Key changes include:
  • Improved reliability of the Windows Update Agent, shared drives, virtual private network (VPN), clustering, HTTP downloads, Internet Explorer 11, Hyper-V platform, multimedia playback, and Microsoft Edge.
  • Improved performance of push and local notifications, Hyper-V platform, and some social media websites using Microsoft Edge.
  • Addressed issue where mapping a drive from an elevated command prompt doesn’t work with administrator credentials.
  • Addressed issue causing movies that were ripped using the transport stream (.ts) format to play without sound in Windows Media Player and the Xbox One Media Player app.
  • Addressed issue causing the Movies & TV app on the Xbox to stop working when attempting to play content that was just purchased from the Store.
  • Addressed issue where ActiveX can't be installed when using the ActiveX Installer Service (AXIS) in Internet Explorer 11.
  • Addressed issue causing “Print all linked documents” to not work in Internet Explorer 11.
  • Improved reliability of downloading and updating games from the Store.
  • Addressed issue preventing some users from changing the default download location in Windows 10 Mobile.
  • Addressed issue causing unnecessary notifications about fixing Microsoft account in Windows 10 Mobile.
  • Addressed additional issues with multimedia, Windows kernel, Windows shell, enterprise security, storage file system, Remote Desktop, core platform, Hyper-V platform, Windows Update for Business, display kernel, near field communication (NFC), input and composition, Bluetooth, Microsoft Lync 2010 compatibility, Windows Storage API, app registration, Trusted Platform Module, Group Policy, Internet Explorer 11, virtual private network (VPN), BitLocker, wireless networking, datacenter networking, Cortana, PowerShell, Active Directory, connection manager and data usage, Access Point Name (APN) database, Microsoft Edge, Windows Recovery Environment, file clustering, Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps, audio playback settings, DShow Bridge, app compatibility, licensing, cloud infrastructure, domain name system (DNS) server, network controller, USB barcode reader, and Adobe Flash Player.

문제 해결이 많이 되었네요. 특히 IE 관련하여..

출처: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/12387/windows-10-update-history

한글 페이지는 아직도 14393.187 입니다. 늘 갱신이 늦더군요. 


기존 업데이트에서 위에 누적 업데이트만 교체하면 될 듯 하네요.



ms 카탈로그에 등록되기를 기다렸다가 업데이트 파일 버전이 같은 지 확인하려고 했는데요

https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3194496 여기 보면 카탈로그에는 올라오지 않을 예정인가봅니다. 다른 사이트들도 잠잠하고..


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