자유 게시판
MSDN CD/DVD 중에 구합니다.
2016.09.14 17:45
2005-06 - 2919.0 - Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition with SP1 for Itanium-based Systems, Volume License Version [English]
2005-06 - 2923.0 - Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition with SP1 for Itanium-based Systems, Volume License Version [German]
2005-07 - 2950.0 - Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition with SP1 for Itanium-based Systems, Volume License Version [French]
2005-07 - 2960.0 - Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition with SP1 for Itanium-based Systems, Volume License Version [Japanese]
2005-07 - 2963.0 - Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Volume License Version [Japanese]
MSDN Operating System CD/DVD에 담긴 내용입니다.
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