자 료 실

기 타 AAct v1.8 Portable

2016.08.25 09:33

사랑제일 조회:3511 추천:2

AAct - small program from Ratiborus, which like other development needs no installation. using it, you can activate such products from мелкософта like windows xp and up to 10, as well as the office 2010 and until 2016.

in addition, there is the opportunity to see detailed information about windows and office, the next button activation of these products is responsible for finding the information on the license. as can be seen from the screen shots, all in sufficient detail.

so, in order to be activated, you don't even have to install the. net framework is the one which causes resentment among many of our users. run the utility, pressed the button, the activation of винды or office. further, we await the outcome, can reboot and enjoy what we have now, assisted version, no problems whatsoever.

the settings here at least, i think that everything is clear. about english, you guys don't make fun of me please, here 4 buttons with the same text almost, do you need? that's all, i hope this activator to be as famous as some of our favorite Ratiborus. by the way, you can ask him questions in our forum, where he sometimes looks into the matter, thank you for your attention!

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