자유 게시판

윈도우10 rs10.0 14393.5 누적 업데이트 노트 해석부탁

2016.07.27 12:32

에드힐스 조회:968

 ◾ We have improved reliability and performance of Microsoft Edge with AdBlock and LastPass extensions enabled. These extensions should continue to work after installing other extension updates from the Store.

 ◾ We fixed an issue causing battery to drain due to runaway CPU processes while a device is idle. We also fixed a battery life issue due to the proximity sensor always running on some devices.

 ◾ We fixed an issue causing Store apps to stop launching due to a licensing issue.

 ◾ We have fixed an issue that results in Windows Updates being delayed on systems with Connected Standby.

 ◾ We fixed an issue where the Korean IME would not have the correct composition on some custom TSF3 edit controls on PC.

 ◾ We fixed an issue where you might not be able to type in text into Search or some Store apps without having to restart the process.

 ◾ We have fixed an issue where keyboard input on some Windows tablet devices would not rotate to landscape normally.


윈도우10 레드스톤1 10.0 14393.5 누적업데이트 노트 영어 해석 부탁하시면 갑사드리겠습니다.

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