자유 게시판

윈도우10 업데이트후 컴퓨터가 느려진다면 ...

2016.05.11 11:24

comaster 조회:1092

윈도우 10  누적 업데이트   KB3156421 업데이투 후 에  피씨가 느려졌다면, 

마소에서 코타나를 지울 것을 권장합니다.

Microsoft has confirmed that one of the latest Windows 10 cumulative updates, KB3156421 specifically, is making some PCs really slow, and apparently this is a known issue.

Something that Redmond has known for a few weeks now, and has been trying to track down and fix.

This is the latest cumulative update that the software titan released for users running the November Update version of Windows 10. Microsoft is calling for users to share feedback about any bugs that they experience with this patch.

Microsoft engineer John Wink explained that this is because of a Cortana incompatibility:

“If you find that your PC is abnormally slow after installing the update, you may be seeing a problem that I’ve been trying to track down for a couple of weeks. Here’s something you can try to see if it alleviates the symptom. I’d love to hear the results of this test, and could really use your help in gathering additional information if indeed it rectifies the symptom for you. Please give this a shot and post your results to this thread. Thanks!”

A possible workaround for this slowdown is also out.

The simplest solution is to disable Cortana.

Not an ideal solution for those that regularly use or want to use or the personal assistant on their computer, but hopefully Microsoft nails the issue after feedback from users.

As of right now this seems to be the only bug caused by this update.

Fingers crossed, it stays that way.

Have you noticed this issue after deploying this update? Let us know in the comments.

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