자 료 실

유틸리티 Snappy Driver Installer

2016.03.16 20:36

힘내 조회:3171 추천:1

Install missing drivers and update old drivers

If you lost your discs with drivers, unable to find drivers on manufacturer's website or Windows Update cannot to configure your hardware, you can use this tool to find and install all missing drivers.

If you're a PC technician, you can keep the tool on your USB flash drive or external hard drive and use it wherever you go, even in environments with no Internet access. You can also use it after performing a clean installation of Windows.

Install missing drivers and update old drivers

If you lost your discs with drivers, unable to find drivers on manufacturer's website or Windows Update cannot to configure your hardware, you can use this tool to find and install all missing drivers.

If you're a PC technician, you can keep the tool on your USB flash drive or external hard drive and use it wherever you go, even in environments with no Internet access. You can also use it after performing a clean installation of Windows.

No limitations. No premium features. No adware. No gotchas.
Keep it on your USB flash drive and use it on the go. No installation is necessary.
You'll be notified about available updates and you'll be able to download them with the tool itself.
Automatically creates a system restore point.
Supports all Windows
Compatible with all versions of Windows, including server editions.
Pick any theme you like or make your own.
The state of the art in algorithm of finding best matching drivers for any devices.
Open source
Licensed under GNU GPL v3.0. You can review the source code and submit patches.
Twenty languages are supported. Your language is probably among them.

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XE1.11.6 Layout1.4.8